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“New Right” Leaders Are Co-opting Progressive Language to Mislead Voters


If you gave hard thought to my post this weekend on the Sanders and Biden unification from the WSWS articles, you might get the sense that the collaboration between the 2 campaigns mirror the narrative of this article.

{By any reasonable measure, their cultural stances disregard most Americans’ core beliefs in favor of propping up a fringe minority.} Biden will highly limit any progressive movement. Their deal already shows this.

{The true function of the new right is not to transform this reality, but rather to make a revised version of it seem more palatable than it is.} The true function of their agreement is not to transform the democrat party's ways, but rather to make a revised version of it to make it seem more acceptable.

In both cases you get this....{For progressives, the emergence of the new right can seem like a promising development. The rhetorical attacks that people like Josh Hawley and Tucker Carlson level on big finance make them sound like kindred spirits in the struggle to build what Bernie Sanders calls “an economy that works for all of us.”} Just add the emergence of the new Biden and Sanders agreement into the above with "the emergence of the new right" and you get the same deceitful agenda.

{Ultimately, however, in the fight for equality and democracy, the new right is at most a group of unwitting accomplices. They are stoking popular, bipartisan opposition to the U.S.’s corrupt and neoliberal political economy, but failing to offer a coherent and convincing plan for how to achieve a better future. The contradiction between their populist rhetoric and elitist, minoritarian worldview leaves a huge gap between themselves and the disaffected working- and middle-class voters they claim to represent. This gap begs to be filled by a more legitimately majoritarian movement against concentrated power.}

Again just add in the new Biden and Sanders agreement into the above. Can I get a.......window dressing?

William_Mary 8 July 12
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By the time that the 2024 election comes around there will be 3 political groups.
1st being the marriage of the centrist as we have been seeing since Obama’s second turn and with trump it’s being forced to come out and tell the world about the relationship.

2nd being the extreme right. This will be what’s left of the trump cult, the most narrow minded of conservatives and those who can’t spell liberal but they have theories about them that will last for the ages.

And lastly the progressive’s/ the new extreme left which will be comprised of socialist, Berniecrats, and greens.

If you look at it in the right way which is by the sheer number of voters that will belong to one group and it’ll be extremely clear that as long as the democrats shun the progressives and remind the conservatives that they don’t want to be affiliated with those who embraced trump they could hold a political majority for ridiculous period of time.

And to be honest with y’all I can’t help but wonder if this would’ve happened if trump hadn’t been slid into power?
I’m just saying that in the long run he’s created an even larger and stronger democratic base.

And I do have to wonder whether or not it him being elected by the electoral college wasn’t for this purpose.
Anyway it’s just my thoughts and observations.

48thRonin Level 8 July 14, 2020

I'll argue that democratic base is rather divided though. Whether your excluding the progressives and socialist out of that or not, the remainder is divided though if so. Many who are simply voting for Biden to get rid of Trump because they lack the critical thinking of joining with the Green Party or Socialist Equality Party.

I can see the lack of this critical thinking in social media post and replies to my comments when I mention these 2 other alternatives. The conditioned responses are overwhelming both towards total ignorance of their existence or validity, especially with the SEP. Even among Sanders supporters you find a beat Trump at all cost as though they are totally ignorant to Biden's history. Who I'll argue is every bit as bad as Trump, and actually a main player that lead to the now strong republican party and Trump. That of course due to the ignorance's of that party's supporters.

The mere lack of being able to correlate how we took Sanders to the top of the political spectrum in 2016 and apply that to taking the Green Party or SEP to the top within the same manor speaks volumes towards the lack of logical free thinking with these voters.

Quite frankly the only problem I think we should be debating is which of these 2 parties we should fall in line behind and support for 2024.

@William_Mary Ok I thought that I pointed out that the progressives and quasi socialist we’re going to make up the third political group but if not then yeah.

As far as the green and SEP goes it would help if the public was made a little bit more knowledgeable of them and if they could find candidates that were basically more desirable in the sense that voters that are looking for an alternative party would be able to see and/or hear a candidate that would motivate them to join.

And unfortunately Howie and Joseph aren’t resonating as much as they need to in order to win even the percentages of votes to get to the debate stage let alone win an entire election.

But in 2024 Nina Turner is running under banner of the people’s party and as long as she can keep herself in view of the general public she will be on their minds come 2024 and then it’ll be interesting to see who all lines up behind her.

And as far as social media responses go, they’re social media responses and shouldn’t be taken as serious as they want to be.

@48thRonin isn't the exposure there on our behalf though? No less than we took it for Sanders? How do I get the message of Kishore out and also stick in the same manor we did for Sanders?

I can post this video all I want, as I have for others, in which he addresses all the concerns we should all be reflecting on. But one of the tricks is getting people to watch it all to learn from it. If they watch any of it. Nearly every video I post here on any forum here they get maybe a handful of people who click on them. If it's a Youtube video which now exposes it on the main page they often get even fewer clicks. So even when I see a number on the page of visitors I really have no real indication of who even actually took any time to view any of it, realizing it was a video and simply moved on.

Most people are politically ignorant and will not take the proper time to actually educate themselves to even the slightest of reality of who they are actually voting for, let alone what. They're only going by the managed perception they've been conditioned to from a litany of propaganda. They can't even correlate history to current events! Which involve practically every politician in the public eye.

Certain subjects don't seem to be of concern to most people. I can go through a list of post I make that get very little attention that correlate todays events to the upcoming election. Also getting no clicks. Venezuela, Yemen, anything Latin American actually, the middle east. These matters that all relate to todays events no longer concern most people to put the time into to keep up with to use as a logical thought process to the election cycle.

My observation to this has become the same as our representative approval ratings. Very few like them but they keep voting the same ilk in. Many people know that we have a fake news problem but they keep reading and listening to the same fucking bullshit. How do I/we combat that!?! Not only do they keep resorting to that bullshit, when you call out the sources with more factual information they attack that information. And between the 2 party divide the 2 sides can't correlate how they're being used with this mis/disinformation to keep them divided to understand that purpose the media is using it towards. And within this ignorance as you attempt to educate them they, no matter which side you're presently trying to communicate with, use negative gestures towards people like me in reference of being one or the other sides supporters. They can't think outside the box on their own to even contemplate that someone they're in a discussion with isn't of either establishment party side. They react like a god dam insect, pure instinct, from the conditioning they been brainwashed into.

Turner is a black elite politician that the media will most likely give her air time. She's played her role accordingly and will be rewarded towards a spot light. Why? Sanders has ran his course and well in the age range of just dying out as a senator if he doesn't retire soon. So the job of herding supporters towards the democratic party becomes hers? They can change the name and narrative all they want, it's the same agenda.


There is absolutely no reason to believe that Biden will be anything other than what he's been his whole career.......a conservative Democrat. People either believe that he's been a left wing progressive his whole career, or that he's going to somehow change his spots after 50 years. They both require some form of delusional thinking. The former might be from a continuous shift in the Overton Window making people believe that just because the overall right went further right means that Biden and his steadfast conservatism somehow means he's left wing because of the overall shift to the right in our political system. The latter might be from false hope or just a bias against Trump because they think he's the ghost of Hitler and will destroy the world. The lesser of two evils argument. Maybe it means there are more conservatives in this country than we think and they just agree with Biden's ideals.

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Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []

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