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Georgia Senate debate: Republican fascist agitation versus Democratic political cowardice

This past Sunday was the first, and possibly final, debate between Republican Senator Kelly Loeffler, who was appointed in January 2020 to replace retiring Senator Johnny Isakson, and her Democratic challenger, Reverend Raphael Warnock.


{Loeffler’s support for Trump’s coup attempt was combined with far-right attacks against her opponent. She repeatedly called Warnock, a pastor, a “radical liberal,” using the epithet over a dozen times during the debate. Echoing Trump, she portrayed Warnock and the Democratic Party as a “socialist” and “Marxist” menace, and portrayed her election as the last line of defense against evil-doers out to destroy the “American dream.”}

{Warnock responded by declaring his opposition to socialism and support for capitalism and praising the police. During a question and answer session between the two candidates, Loeffler demanded that Warnock “renounce socialism and Marxism,” which he promptly did.}

Looks like another win win for the establishment.

{Trump has attacked Georgia Governor Brian Kemp and his Republican Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, the latter of whom Trump has called “an enemy of the people” for refusing to go along with his attempted coup.}

I guess purging nearly 200,000 left leaning and progressives from the voting list isn't enough to win favors from Trump.

{At a time when some 40 million people face eviction in the next month, nearly 20 million have lost health care coverage, unemployment remains at near-record levels and food lines stretch for miles, neither candidate was willing to say how much money should be allocated to workers and small businesses through a proposed relief bill. Nor did either candidate oppose the back-to-work and back-to-school drives that are fueling the explosive rise in COVID-19 infections, hospitalizations and deaths.}

At least we know who they'll step on and over.

William_Mary 8 Dec 8
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