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The People Haven’t Risen Up For The Same Reason Abuse Victims Don’t Leave Their Abusers

Abusive relationships aren’t just one partner doing cruel things to another. If they were, there would be no relationship: there’d just be a woman getting assaulted one time by her boyfriend and then immediately leaving. Abusive relationships necessarily include the construction of psychological barriers to leaving, or else they would not exist. Victims of abuse are kept constantly confused, off-balance, insecure and unsure of themselves, because their abuse always necessarily includes the element of psychological manipulation.


I imagine a good percentage of people can relate to this. I've been there a couple of times in my youth. I got another good taste of it in the relationship before I met Mary. Some reading this though might not realize the depth of their own issues within a bad relationship yet. As Johnstone points out, it usually isn't a singular person issue. It usually involves an aggressor and someone that has certain types of insecurities, behavior issues, and or a lack of primary understanding that should be taught to us from parenting and social structure. The latter which is usually the cause of the behavior issues.

In politics and world issues it's a lack of understanding of how the information you're getting is designed. First you have to recognize and then accept that it is designed towards a purpose. Just like the derogatory and negative attacks that come at one in a bad relationship. Those are often taught, whether within other bad relationships ignorantly or purposely via ideology. If you have a sense of the issues I spoke of before, at first you might not recognize the intent of harm that leads to the control. In repetitive mode false information becomes believable. Missing information leans towards a lack of full understanding. You eventually are draw to a point of loss of ability to challenge your attacker. And in politics, you are being attacked within a purpose. Silenced from a lack of critical thought in which you then begin to support your attacker.

Social media has become a controlled mass of self endured gangs within a territorial pissing contest towards a losing endeavor that their attackers manufactured for their benefit. Neither side will ever win. Divisional divide was designed like todays wars. There isn't really any intent to win, they're intended to keep going for profit. Tribal politics was designed towards a continuous state where only the front line moves ever so slightly as a deception. If you take the initiative to find the full disclosure of information you'll find that both sides are funded and supported by our attackers. You're pissing on each other to benefit the attackers. Just like in the present war settings, we fund and support our enemies/terrorist at any given point for our attackers benefit. They are pissing on themselves being used to benefit the world ruling class. And even some of those world ruling class are our shadow enemies as we fund and weaponize them.

{The good news, of course, is that people do leave. They do escape their abusive relationships. The light of truth cannot remain hidden forever, and sociopathic manipulators do not understand the depths of human experience well enough to block it out. They are shallow, and we are deep. They cannot understand the dimensions of ourselves which are secretly moving toward freedom well enough to anticipate and prevent those movements.}

If you need or looking for an escape ---- []

{If you have a loved one who is in an abusive relationship, you draw attention to what you are seeing, you let them know that you are there for them, you trust their inner wisdom to find a way to escape someday, and when they do you are there waiting for them with the engine running. When you have a collective that is in an abusive relationship, you draw attention to the abusive dynamics you are seeing, you trust humanity’s unfathomable depths to produce an escape route, and when the time comes to rise up, you are there at the ready.}

Those of us who recognize the dynamics of todays political arena and propaganda machine have our engine running to produce a productive understanding towards that rise. Please visit the welcoming page, 2 pinned pages to get a full feeling of the groups agenda. Please take to mind it is a private group with an agenda towards comments above and narrative of the posted article. Any sense of combative personae, ridicule, and personal attacks will be seen as a means to diminish the groups objective. If you're already conditioned towards tribal politics, unwilling to discover independent sources intellectually, please stay out, respectfully.

William_Mary 8 Feb 27
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The Dem Party is an abusive partner. I recommend sane people on the left leave it as soon as possible.

I have to add the Republican and Libertarian parties to that request also though. From experience from the 2016 primary I witnessed many from both of those parties who were seeking change by switching party affiliations to the democrat party to vote for Sanders as I was advocating for him at that time. The common excuse I got from republicans was that they no longer recognized that party to be what they once believed it stood for. Long time Clinton dissenting group they found more of how they viewed their past republican party to be in a self proclaimed democratic socialist. Sanders betrayal to his supporters set back a national movement and entrapped many of them into another delusional reality the DSA and Jacobin Magazine.

This has lead to a full blown cold war on social media and in MSCM against many progressive and socialist sources that only the DSA and JM have managed to survive. They get to survive because they are an arm of the democratic party. They herd their followers into a delusional reality that that party can be changed from the inside. Even as it vastly speaks against any real sense of progressive or socialist movements to benefit our citizens in collaboration with the republicans. Along with any antiwar or anti imperialism sources that expose our crimes and unethical practices/hypocrisy.

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Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []

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Posted by William_MaryHowever we have an escape-------[]

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Posted by William_MaryThis fairly explains our political woes within our citizenry when it comes to the voting process that's managed within only 2 parties with their perceptions managed by propaganda designed to support ...

Posted by William_MaryI can pretty much apply this thought to just about everyone who has attempted to challenge my agenda here in this group, and my comments on social media in regards to our political arena.

Posted by William_MaryBy Apr.

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Posted by William_MaryWhen the state is controlled by corporations and the ruling class.

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