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Edward Snowden: “The Worst Conspiracies Are In Plain Sight”

Edward Snowden he explains the methods used to advance the most dangerous conspiracies and threats to our freedoms.

Conspiracy theories aren't an obvious bad thing. There are legitimate and purposely dangerous theories being conspired. Without theories we reduce advancement, and or, open ourselves up to dangers. Ask more questions, and you develop your own theories to help separate the good from the bad.

The beast lives in a different time line than ours? That's because they are always playing chess while they manage to have us playing checkers. Critical thought to ask the right questions has been evaporated from many minds as the media dictates our perceptions. Blissful faith has been placed onto them to provide a check and balance which now totally takes advantage of us today.

William_Mary 8 Apr 18
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Yes, interesting stuff. I think the savings payoff he’s talking about is the lack off interest rates. So they are not even keeping up with inflation at the moment, so this encourages the public to buy into another bank product instead: the mortgage, which makes them money.
As for Biden talking about leaving the Middle East, we all understand that opposition leaders are not always able to take the actions they want, because there are often to intricacies and non negotiables that a President or PM inherit that are unknown prior to coming to power.

They also could have been talking about bail ins. After the 2008 crash a clause was put into the legislature from that crisis that gave banks the ability to take peoples savings as a means to confront a major crisis. Also freeze accounts so that you couldn't get to your money. I know Italy went through a period where this happened. If I remember right, they also went into peoples retirement accounts. It has been quite a while ago and I never seen any follow up on those issues. Or if there has been any changes to our legislature regarding this. Other than banks supposedly being forced to create their own buffer account. Which the stated goals to reach were grossly less than bailouts they've managed to get.

Biden can't get out of Afghanistan or the middle east at current capitalist conditions. It won't be allowed. Their are 10 times more private mercenaries in Afghanistan than US troops. And he we always provide air cover for Afghan and Iraqi troops. Our presence will remain there no matter what he says. It's a means to control sovereignty and a win for the military complex.

@William_Mary maybe, but the lack of interest rates has been a permanent situation for a few years now and effects every person. Whilst the possible threat of savings being seized is less present in our daily experience.
I’m not even sure they can do that in the UK, the government bail the banks out and we all pay it back...again, I believe. (Banks don’t repay their bailouts though).

Only the leaders of the Countries have all of the information about the military situations at any given time. I’m not going to pretend I know what they do.

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Posted by William_MaryWhen the state is controlled by corporations and the ruling class.

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