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The Taliban Surrendered in 2001

Within 10 days of taking office the Bush administration formalized a decision to invade Iraq. Long before 9/11 the attack on Afghanistan was scheduled.


Yesterday morning I posted a purely conjectural statement of a developed opinion. Anyone who paid attention to the election period of John McCain in 2000 would know what I meant about changing his story from crowd to crowd. McCain making appearances in 2 to 3 cities in a day virtually changed his statements from one to the other throughout the entire campaign. Seemingly with no understanding that he was being video recorded from city to city for people to witness the constant flip flop of statements.

History, that word again, yes. His involvement in shady deals within the middle east and Latin America for decades were erased from MSCM coverage. He had stood beside all the known foreign flesh who would become tools for the ruling class and establishment politicians. In which they would all at some point wash their hands in the blood of countless innocent people in time to come. Bush however brought his era to a slow but yet supportive ending to begin his own.

Throughout all that was yet the still vibrant era of Biden's. Who laid waste and washed his hands in the blood of many within his own self right in innocent lives in these same regions. Ukraine providing his latest victims, and still going. If you don't have your head buried in the proverbial sand trap of indoctrination, you might have noticed how Biden has had major issues within spending his time as president constantly making statements that retract and contradict virtually all from the past. Both within the virus and Afghanistan issues. His entire time as president has been an overwhelming example of pure bullshit representation. He and Trump are truly 2 peas from the same pod in this regard! And Biden and McCain came from the same schooling of establishment representation. 2 parties, same agendas. Neither one gives/gave a rats ass about our society or the world society.

Within 10 days of taking office the Bush administration formalized a decision to invade Iraq. Long before 9/11 the attack on Afghanistan was scheduled.

Subservient ---- what more do we need for an awakening!?!

{That was the standing offer the Taliban tendered in late 2000, seeking to retain U.S. favor after bin Laden bombed the U.S.S. Cole. The Bush administration refused the offer, four times prior to 9/11 and once more five days later.}

On 2 occasions while being interviewed, as young men and women were dying in Iraq over the next lie, Bush proclaims he doesn't care about bin Laden. In a 3rd he avoids a direct response for PR reasons having faced harsh public response to the first 2. Some might remember his act on stage looking for WMD under the chairs of people sitting behind him, as the audience of the indoctrinated belly laughed at his mental illness actions. Quite frankly, it's profoundly sick of us having not confronted this still yet today as the delusional reality coming from DC has become prolifically worse. Feed him some candy making him PR righteous is what they have for us.

{Afghanistan lies in a state of seething chaos. There will be no American pipeline across the country: 20 years of staggering costs in lives and treasure for nothing.}

They can't even put a capitalist spin on this time. And the capitalist spin on Iraq is quite faint. Especially when you weigh in the current issues of the environment. Even if they genuinely cared about that.

{That he could not tolerate: the great prize, the Iraqi oil, had yet to be won, so the fighting in the Mideast would have to be sustained — as a “war on terrorism” — until the invasion of Iraq could be planned, authorized by Congress, and sold to the American people. The Taliban’s offer was simply dismissed, and the fighting continued — for 20 years.}

Ladies and gentlemen, we have been hoodwinked like no other of all time. And this same agenda is presently still being played out in Syria! OIL Our men and women were sent to their deaths for corporate and military complex profits. Nothing less. So when you hear all the shit being spoken about the Taliban today and so forth know it's bullshit. It's all public relation firm construct to divert from the reality. And don't you dare forget how a vast majority of our representation all bought stock of the most likely beneficial corporations leading into this murderous adventure to profit off of also!!! Freedom, democracy, be damned, give me your children to sacrifice.

{This madness is the legacy of the Bush Administration, and successive presidents have done nothing to end it. Withdrawing troops from Afghanistan is a no-brainer tactical retreat, but George Bush’s bogus war plunges mindlessly ahead.

President Biden, carpe diem. Call the “war on terrorism” for the fraud it is and end it. Bring all the troops home, from everywhere.}

But Biden is a puppet of the ruling class who will benefit more after his term is over. Biden became a millionaire after 2 years of the end of the Obama administrations. He will be highly rewarded for his diverting of any sense of socialism, let alone a sense of progressive movement, taking place in the last election. I still have nightmare thoughts that this virus was released to control the election process.

William_Mary 8 Aug 21
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Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []

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Posted by William_MaryWhen the state is controlled by corporations and the ruling class.

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