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😟 Protests in Akron, Ohio after initial autopsy confirms police shot unarmed Jayland Walker 60 times 😟

Popular anger is brewing in Akron, Ohio and throughout the United States following the latest heinous police killing of a young unarmed African-American worker. Jayland Walker, a 25-year-old DoorDash delivery driver and former Amazon employee, was shot and killed in a fusillade of nearly 100 bullets fired by at least eight police officers sometime after 12:30 a.m. Tuesday morning.


He was struck 60 times in under 10 seconds. Local reports claim 90 shots were fired. Still being shot at as he lay on the ground. I live approximately 7 miles from Akron. This incident took place on a 3 lane highway on route 8 at night time in which the speeds never reached much more than 55 miles an hour. It is a case of open air accusation, prosecution, guilty verdict, with an immediate death sentence. That seemingly began as a....

{Police have confirmed that Walker did not have any warrants and that he had no criminal record. The traffic stop police claim was over “traffic” and “equipment” violations, but they have not elaborated on exactly what the violations entailed.}----Police have confirmed that Walker did not have any warrants and that he had no criminal record.}

{The photos also show that after executing Walker, police placed his corpse under arrest by handcuffing Walker and rolling him onto his back on the pavement.}

When you can't be dead enough. Spare me the procedure comments! It's purely more ways to degrade a certain membership of our society.

For what it's worth, apparently, from local reports, officers claim they seen a flash come from the vehicle as being a gunshot. That's why I highlighted night time above. With glass a primary construct any light in the vicinity could produce a deceptive flash. The family states he has never carried a gun. He has had no apparent trouble with the law. And of course our local media post is littered with all the indoctrinated stereotyping of instant support for the police without any evidence being released yet. You'd think that planting a gun by police at the scene of one of their open air court sessions has never occurred in history. There has been no mention of shell casings or powder residue. Yet shooting a young man beginning from the back to laying on the ground in a hail of 90 shots with 60 hits is found to be instantly acceptable. Let me get this out of the way right now. FUCK YOU!

William_Mary 8 July 2
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I guess whoever trained those cops must have told them something like, " Anything worth doing, is worth doing all the way"..... The cops shouldn't be surprised if sometime soon, a black shooter rolls up on them while they are stopped in their squad car and opens up on them with an automatic rifle, making them look like swiss cheese... Not saying it would be right, but then again, karma is a bitch.....

Some more details have come out since this night. Apparently another branch of law enforcement is now claiming they pursued this same vehicle (the night before) if I remember right. A very short period anyways. It was Franklin Township police which is basically a small suburb south of Akron. Claiming it was the same license plate number and broken tail light lens which is supposedly why Akron attempted to pull him over. Speeds didn't ascend high as he crossed over from their area of jurisdiction letting him go. An indication there wasn't an immediate worry for a high sense of concern? Or they would have informed Akron police? Supposedly he left a gun and a clip along with his wedding ring on the seat when he fled on foot. The narrative they're suggesting is suicide by police. I think it was 9 or 10 officers unloading their guns on the guy. Some were in the process of changing clips as the shooting came to the end of a10 second folly. He got his wish if that was his intent.

We watched the video as it was released that following Sunday on a news broadcast as they claimed to try and tase him with no effects. But the video was to jumpy as it was body cam footage on the run. As it was merely seconds before the shooting began. The officer cam footage we were getting was on the run and up to a point he was joining other officers already planted and beginning the shoot. I guess only one officer has his on? No cams in their patrol cars which would provide better video seems convenient. And they're vastly cheaper than body cams. I have them in all of our vehicles and my work truck for my own evidence purposes.

I have to admit this guy didn't do himself any great deeds to give off a sense of legitimacy. As an Uber driver though I would carry a gun also. I'm not an Uber driver and carry a gun virtually everywhere I go. The only time I can't is when I'm in my work truck. But he's out prowling the streets late at night and carries a hood with him, as he got out with it on when he was gunned down. Which makes no sense when you're driving a car that can be tied back to you so easily with issues that have a high potential to get someone pulled over. The first thing everyone should learn as a driver is that driving at night time with issues such as he had will draw attention as police try to catch drunken drivers using these simple issues.

If he was Ubering that night, why not just pull over and legitimately face the issue? Akron doesn't have a high racist problem with policing as we see in many large cities. We know it's there but this type of occurrence is the first I've seen since I've been back in the area since 1996. I'm in no way attempting to justify this open air court session though! Quite frankly, it's an opening for more to happen now as the African American community will be more frightened when police attempt to pull them over. These ass hats just opened the door for more of what we see in other cites. And also provides an indication the Akron law enforcement could be headed down a bad path as they have been recruiting more people into the force.

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Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []

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Posted by William_MaryThis fairly explains our political woes within our citizenry when it comes to the voting process that's managed within only 2 parties with their perceptions managed by propaganda designed to support ...

Posted by William_MaryI can pretty much apply this thought to just about everyone who has attempted to challenge my agenda here in this group, and my comments on social media in regards to our political arena.

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Posted by William_MaryWhen the state is controlled by corporations and the ruling class.

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