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Israel announces plans for ethnic cleansing of Rafah

Given that Israel has ordered the people of Gaza to evacuate effectively all other areas of the region, the clear implication is that the population will be expelled into the Sinai Desert, with or without the permission of Egypt.

“They’re saying they’re not allowing them to go to the north. They don’t want them to stay in Rafah—it doesn’t require a nuclear physicist to come to the conclusion that there is only one place for them to go, which is the Sinai Peninsula.”

In October, Israel ordered over one million people in northern Gaza to the south, calling it a “safe zone” and assuring them that they would not be bombed there. Then, in November, Israeli forces ordered the evacuation of the city of Khan Younis, forcing civilians in the area to flee south to Rafah. One after another, each of these “safe areas” have been bombed and then attacked by ground troops.

As a result, approximately 86 percent of Gaza’s population—1.7 million out of 2.3 million people—are internally displaced, with the majority of those sheltering in Rafah. The trapped refugees are facing famine and lack access to clean water, hygiene and medical care.

In a statement, Stéphane Dujarric, spokesman for UN Secretary-General António Guterres, stated, “We would not in any way support forced displacement, which goes against international law.” This statement effectively declares that the Netanyahu government has expressed intent to carry out ethnic cleansing.


William_Mary 8 Feb 10
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Sooooooo, they did not actually announce any such thing, you merely extrapolated to suit your purposes...good on you.........


It's a worldwide war on poverty, that kills more people than anything. I'm dealing with a similar thing in making tiny housing for the homeless in Canada. After Canada spends combined 15 billion dollars to Ukraine, Syria and Gaza, compare to a tiny faction to homeless at home. Europe and Canada get most of these homeless refugees. Canada's housing price are greater than any of the G7. It's a combination of genocide and democide on both ends.. Every 80 years there is an apocalypse like revolution, civil war and world War. We are experiencing all three , just to a lower level with all three.

Correct! We are witnessing every aspect of a world war. Except that the conventional warfare is only going on in purposeful selected regions that exacerbate the other aspects. It's a controlled planetary societal attack hidden behind those regional wars. That the current conventional warfare has absolutely no relative correlation to their false reasonings for them.

In regards to Gaza and the 20 year warring in the middle east, constructs of their own making were the primary cause resulting in the cause of those conventional wars. It can also be argued that the fascism of Ukraine is an extended cause from WWll that's being used towards Russia. Which is a potential threat of igniting a wider conventional warfare with the forementioned.


And to think the Zionists have wanted to do this since before The Holocaust. They did not learn anything.



FrayedBear Level 9 Feb 10, 2024
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