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Trump’s “Opposition” Supports All His Evil Agendas While Attacking Fake Nonsense


(The US Senate has just passed Trump’s mammoth military spending increase by a landslide 92-8 vote. The eight senators who voted “nay”? Seven Republicans, and Independent Bernie Sanders. Every single Democrat supported the most bloated war budget since the height of the Iraq war.)

If you think it would be any different under Hillieary Clinton, you're dead wrong. She had already played a part in Syria, and, ask Libya how she works. Or how she laughs after turning a country into a slave selling state having weaponized terrorist to overthrow a government that was fighting terrorism. And I'll go out on the limb here. The only reason Sanders voted no was because he's now engaged in managing the illusion of being a progressive again to draw back supporters to the democratic party. This is another one of those issues that tie back to Caitlin Johnstone's 1-2 punch. []
We're not getting a fight from our representatives for us, because they are fighting us. And they keep feeding us with evidence of this time after time. They aren't anymore out to get Trump as the establishment republicans put out a con during the primary cycle of not wanting him. They got exactly what they wanted, the country to move to the right. It's not only moving, it's hopping, quickly. All through the confirmation hearings of his administration. What did we get as people with no experience and or clearly having a conflict of interest in that appointment, no fight! You in no way shape or manor can solely put this leap to the right squarely on the republican establishment. Same as in Europe. Make no bones about it, literally, bones and blood, we and the other side of the pond are fighting for our very lives and those the oligarchy are killing off for resources and profits.

( In John Steinbeck’s The Pearl, there are jewelry buyers set up around a fishing community which are all owned by the same plutocrat, but they all pretend to be in competition with one another. When the story’s protagonist discovers an enormous and valuable pearl and goes to sell it, they all gather round and individually bid far less than it is worth in order to trick him into giving it away for almost nothing. US politics is pretty much the same; two mainstream parties owned by the same political class, engaged in a staged bidding war for votes to give the illusion of competition.)

And somewhere around 52% of the US population, 26% each of republican and democrat supporters, are stuck in that very same illusion That the main stream media helps the establishment as they wage a war of managed perception to keep them trapped in it.

William_Mary 8 Sep 21
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Well put!

Bakunin Level 7 Sep 22, 2018

Yes, I read this befor you posted it. As always, Caitlyn Johnstone knows her stuff

Dangrenade Level 6 Sep 21, 2018

While attacking fake nonsense? Explain. I always attack fake nonsense.

DenoPenno Level 9 Sep 21, 2018

Are there any concrete plans to elect Bernie to the throne?

OldGoat43 Level 9 Sep 21, 2018


Yeah, that nailed it

I have read he's might be planning a run. Concrete? hmmmmmm I highly doubt Sanders can pull together a run anywhere near what we gave him in 2016. Unless he is the democrats primary choice. And that's not going to happen.

@William_Mary . That's a shame, he's the only one I've got any trust in right now. Nowadays everyone seems to devious.


Given the increasing threat from Russia, which Trump has actively helped along, it's actually a wise move on both parties' parts to expand our own military. The next President might need it.

Paul4747 Level 8 Sep 21, 2018

Our military spending already exceeds that of the next 19 (I believe) big military countries COMBINED.

I hardly think we need to spend more because of some new McCarthyism

@Dangrenade Because we are committed to assist in the defense of the entire continent of Europe. And prevent a land invasion of South Korea, which would most certainly have happened if we did not have massive numbers of ground, sea and air forces stationed there. As well as keeping freedom of the seas for our shipping worldwide, in areas where pirates operate, not to mention piratical regimes. Iran has repeatedly threatened to close off the Straits of Hormuz to oil shipments since 1979. America's military is a worldwide force. While I don't always agree with those in charge, overall our strategic accomplishments have been positive. The Cold War ended without breaking out into WW3. The world has not had a large-scale conflict since 1945.

I don't know what this other thing is to which you're alluding, but it sounds like you've bought into the "witch hunt" rhetoric.

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Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []

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