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Nancy Pelosi and the Audacity of Identity Driven Hustles


(While untold number of women and their families were made homeless and millions more lost their jobs and life savings over the past ten years, Nancy Pelosi has added to her fortunes while climbing up the list of America’s richest politicians.)

Did you miss that? "over the past ten years" Yes, today people are still having their homes foreclosed on them due to that injustice. And ACA/Obama care merely became another benefactor for some to become victims.

William_Mary 8 Nov 16
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What is a benefactor and what is a victim? It sounds like they mean something else than the usual meaning... and without that new meaning I find it hard to understand those posts.

gabriel99 Level 3 Nov 18, 2018

Benefactors would be the pharmaceutical and insurance companies at the expense of those, the victims, forced into the program. My argument there is that today's foreclosures are a delayed response in many cases also caused by the 2007/8 collapse. I was one of those victims. The year Obamacare went into effect my employer canceled our healthcare program. My choice was to abide by this new law or pay a penalty from my taxes. At my age and having a heart issue going without healthcare was not an option. With my then employer plan I was paying $125 a month for my health coverage. Forced into Obamacare my coverage jumped to $438 a month. In the second year it went up again to $550 a month. I made to much to get the government subsidies many lower income people could receive. It was basically a redistribution of wealth from the middle class people who had no employer healthcare programs. While the program was good for many it also screwed many. Especially families with no employer program who ended up paying considerably more. Several hundred to a a few thousand a month. With healthcare premiums going up an average of about 20% a year its far from affordable. It drained a large part of my savings, left me 3 year of not being able to do upkeep on my house, and restricted life to a good degree. I'm sure this is still verberating.


Really? I thought ACA was a Republican program and that was why they have so much trouble getting rid of it. I ended up with Coventry which is not under Aetna and the new Medicare people go nuts wanting me to switch. Sorry. Had this plan since 2011. I'm a benefactor and not a victim yet.

DenoPenno Level 9 Nov 16, 2018

ACA, Affordable Care Act was initiated under the Obama administration Deno. That was one of the main issues Obama ran on in 2007. The republicans supposedly want to over turn that program. I have my doubts it's an authentic attempt though. I look at it as one of those few deceptive battles between party lines used to keep the voters divided. If they were to actually manage to get it over turned it would lead to another countrywide out cry for another healthcare program leaning towards a demanded universal type measure. And with both parties in bed with the pharmaceutical and insurance companies, who highly benefit from ripping us off, that's not likely going to happen. Coventry is a subsidiary of Aetna. I don't know what that means for you. Do they want you to switch to Aetna or to Medicare?


@William_Mary I know ACA came along in the Obama years but Obama had very little to do with the program. It was all that was allowed at the time without a big fight. I know what Coventry is and they are now under Aetna. It's the best I can do for the area that I live in. What is happening here is that the GOP wants you to take their form of Medicare and they push it as being better. It is not. I get e-mail and calls all the time. The USA is still about Big Pharma

@DenoPenno Seriously!?! So you're going to try and tell me that our present healthcare program in our country which has been carrying the sub name Obamacare from the beginning of it's initiation is a republican program that Obama had little to do with? And after several months of the democratic party, under advisement of Obama, working to get this program into legislation and made law, that the republicans fought against tooth and nail, is a republican program now? The GOP doesn't want you on medicare Deno. They want to do away with it and privatize the whole healthcare system. Yea, I'm lost for words with this one.

@William_Mary I don't think either side much looked at it. It's a stab at things with Big Pharma still in the background. I am aware that the GOP doesn't want you to have healthcare or social security.

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