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If Trump Wins in 2020, Thank Russiagate


(We are less than two years out from the end of Trump’s first presidential term. Since Trump was elected in 2016, coastal elites in Silicon Valley, Wall Street, and the military industrial complex have spent much of this period shrieking and howling accusations that Donald Trump is a puppet of Russia. The corporate media and spooks in the intelligence apparatus spent endless hours mulling over the possible scenarios in the conspiracy theory. Russia was in U.S. electric grids, social media websites, and voting machines.)

The majority of this first paragraph provided, all but the last sentence, speaks volumes to my goal within the creation of this group! Everything I'm attempting to educate the public on is basically wrapped up right there. Each of these (Russia was in U.S. electric grids, social media websites, and voting machines) have been well debunked as far as the MSM, politicians, and 3 intelligence agencies have managed to get the majority of the public to believe. The electric grid story was debunked almost immediately, the very next day, the media jumped on it so quickly, as a worker at the station opened a lap top with malware on it that sparked that false narrative. No proof the Russian government was involved in social media websites, but a click bait farm from Russia with ties to corporate entities within that spent approximately a mere $100,000 in which little was politically motivated and reached so little amount of people it was ludicrous. Voting machines in states where at least 5 of those states reported the only people found to have been in their machines were the NSA themselves. The prime example of these entities creating a delusional reality using perception management!

Now, take a good hard look at the beginning of that paragraph! Do you see the fictional content? If you don't, feel free to explain to me what entity mentioned in that second sentence hasn't vastly benefited from Trump's presidency! As goes the 2016 republican primary when all these entities and the party as a whole were denouncing Trump, I seen them drooling all over the front of themselves. And they've been laughing at the American people all the way to the bank each day ever since!

(What the investigation did accomplish was to hand Donald Trump a powerful weapon in the 2020 presidential election. Despite being a vile billionaire of the ruling class (all members of which are racist to the core), Trump can now say with confidence that he was the “victim” of a witch-hunt. Indeed, the highest levels of the U.S. intelligence and military brass are implicated in attempting to depose of a sitting U.S. president through an evidence-free campaign. The Democratic Party’s most corporate-friendly politicians such as representative Adam Schiff led the way in the conspiracy and ignored the plight of the masses entirely. None of the corporate-giveaways or war-mongering policies of the Trump Administration received a fraction of the attention that Russiagate was given over the course of the presidential term.)

Folks, we are the fiddle, and we are being played like no other fiddle has ever been played. There's no intention of getting rid of Trump, Trump is merely playing his part in the game while they all benefit from the illusion they've created. What little pleasure we may get from this, is that his supporters are the biggest and loudest fiddles of all.

(The ruling class will cling to Russiagate in the same way that it clings to the War on Terror, the War on Drugs, and the Cold War. Notice that these wars never end on their own, they merely change form to fit the needs of the ruling class in a given period.)

These policies are only tweaked ever so slightly from administration to administration as a dog and pony show. Used widely on the campaign trails with hyped talk, then merely changed to remain a benefit for the oligarch. Same as taxes, health care, jobs and poverty that never benefit us.

William_Mary 8 May 5
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Posted by William_MaryIt rarely never fails.

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