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I recorded the first night of debates but forgot to set the TV for last nights. From what I'm hearing I didn't miss much. So I'm not going to waste my time watching the first nights. Based on conjecture and my developed opinion on a systematic control over our government, on these debates, it's obvious, to me, 3 things clearly stood out.

Bernie Sanders as in 2016 performed terribly weak. Failed to mention 2016, I'm fairly certain, to a degree it needed or that would have propelled him into the news cycle with bullseye's all over him. Making him the laughing stock of the democratic party. Might even had made me rethink about him. PUSSY! Same ole recordings of issues he knows he can't reach with substantial meaning from the establishment. That one also applies to all of them, though.

Biden got his ass handed to him by Harris, literally. She basically bent him over spread his cheeks and applied a cattle prod of extra strength to his anus roasting him. And stuttering can't think quick enough Joe's campaign is in damage control. Propelling Harris to the front even though her statement was one of major hypocrisy. Which Joe wasn't quite prepared for or he could have laid her out with her own tool. Damage control will now be performed, as todays word is, without one of Joe's major campaign contributors. Having dropped him after last nights debate. As they see it, their man is down and out! SO, you might understand this from Lij Teodrose Fikremariam

{Kamala Harris is the next iteration of the divide and conquer hoodwink. Money is now flowing to her coffers from the Democratic establishment and the affluent “liberal” bundlers and donors. The irony is that these donors are not partisan at all, they spread their money around to both parties in order own politicians on both sides of the isle. This is what most of us fail to realize, the uber wealthy do not give a shit about politics. People like the Koch brothers, Soros, Gates, Bezos, Buffet and the moneyed gentry only care about policies even though they make a great show of being concerned about fairness. As they leverage their amassed fortunes to purchase glowing press and burnish their benevolence, behind the scenes they unleash their bank accounts to buy and own every pundit and politician in their line of sight.}

Why I say hypocrisy? {Let us put aside the propaganda and asses Kamala’s supposed heroic effort. The Rand-Harris bill has nada chance of passing; it’s a symbolic and toothless gesture meant to illuminate Kamala as a progressive champion even though she knows damn well the bill will never be enacted. Let’s look at her tenure as Attorney General of California, you know, when she actually had the ability to affect change. What did she do to fight against the prison-industrial complex and stand for the huddled masses? Do you really need to Google the answer? Kamala is a rotten apple that was birthed from the Clinton’s stained blue dress machine; the same Clinton machine that injected steroids into the prison-industrial complex in the 90’s.


{It’s not only politicians like Barack Obama and Kamala Harris who traffic in this most insincere form of paternalism, there is a whole cottage industry of black opinion leaders and gate-keepers who actively work against our interests while passively speaking against injustice. They abound on TV, in the press and throughout social media; the surest way to make a name for oneself is to be a part of the “woke” intelligentsia who lull their people into collective comas.}


She doesn't seem to be winning over those who actually live outside of the establishment narrative.


And finally. That all brings me to the establishment and ruling class. Seems they may have found their girl. The night was all prepared for Kamala Harris! It came with pre-made T-Shirts, and a photo of her as a child of the time she attack poor ole Joe over. They miraculously dug up that photo and had it on shirts shortly after the debate!?!


I posted an tweet a while back about Tulsi Gabbard at a town hall meeting where a guy snuck in a question about the rigged 2016 primary election cycle. Came with video. A woman from the DCCC was there and quickly put an end to the obviously shaken Gabbard attempt to answer him. While Gabbard was stumbling through a response clearly attempting to avoid the question this woman came up from behind the man and took the microphone from him. This shit doesn't go down like this unless the DNC and DCCC says it can go down. They control the entire show! And you can take that to the bank! I should say, donors!

I didn't hear Gravel's name at all over the last 2 days. I take it he didn't make the cut? 😟

William_Mary 8 June 28
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The democratic candidate should be ANYONE who can beat Trump.

freeofgod Level 8 June 29, 2019

Which is exactly why we are where we are today at this time in our country. Perception management indeed works. 😟

@William_Mary Agreed, I'm getting a bumper sticker that states "Anyone Else!"


Given Joe's somewhat poor showing last night, it looked like Bill De Blasio is the only one of them that could stand toe-to-toe with djt and give as good as he gets. Now wouldn't that just make your Alka Seltzer flat?


America is owned by the rich; for the rest of us,out is a long,filthy slog to death😠


Biden's polling acually went up. I hate American voters. He's actually +8 on Warren and +10 on Bernie.

@altschmerz I misspoke. His numbers for African Americans actually went up 18% after the debates.......but he's still up on his next best competition by +8 and +10.

Yeah, polls aren't always reliable, especially this far away from the elections.

RealClearPolitics Polls


Sam Stein
Verified account
So…. Democracy Corps data shows Biden’s favorability with African American voters went up a net 18% after last nights debate, while Mayor Pete’s went down 10%. Stan Greenberg chalked a lot of it up to defensiveness over the perception that the Obama-Biden legacy was under attack


Kamala Harris is a Cop
I mean, I argued (friendly) last night with some mutuals that what Harris did would make no difference at all to Biden supporters. because they fucking love him, and they don't care.
I was not clever enough to predict the backlash, tho.

@altschmerz I'm sure they're prepping Biden on future debates. Using the same attack on busing will have less effect, so they will have to go through his record and talk about his plagiarism, crime bill, and numerous other topics. They shouldn't lack material to use against him.

IF he makes it to the presidential debates against Trump, he's going to get hit with all the groping and sniffing and touching young girls and grown women stuff. It will be effective. No matter how much people think Trump is a womanizer, and he is, it won't matter because Biden or any other Democrat will not throw it in Trump's face the way he throws it in other people's faces.

It's a long way from the primaries, but if the rest of Biden's history gets brought up and he's still leading Warren and Sanders, then he's pretty bulletproof in terms of Democratic voters. With Independents during a presidential election it will be a different story though.

I believe dems just want the most favorable candidate to take the nomination. We don't want a shit show like there was with Nader in 2000 😟

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