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Bernie Sanders’ Foreign Policy Vision is Incoherent and Dangerous

While Sanders positions himself as an anti-war candidate, so too did Trump. Sanders even echoes the Trump talking points: China and Russia are our enemies; Maduro won his presidency through election fraud; and Iran is a sponsor of terror.


{Despite this, the New York Times opinion section has said Sanders “stands as one of the few candidates with a fully formed vision for American foreign policy,” while The Atlantic claims “It’s Foreign Policy That Distinguishes Bernie This Time.”}

I remember quite well that Sanders was seen in 2016 as very weak on foreign policy. Now that all the factual evidence is out there of what he supports became flawed, his turn around to it is a sign of fully formed vision. Well I guess that depends on who's vision you're looking from, right. Lets take a look back. While in 2016 he admitted it was flawed and disastrous, he also supported it before he didn't. Now he supports it again to win over those who will mindlessly go along with and how the narrative is preached.

Well look at that. They're in my mind.

{Let me — I should have prefaced everything that I said by saying I most certainly do not believe that I have all the answers, or that this is easy stuff. I mean, you’re dealing with so much — my God.”}

O my! A Gary Johnson like moment! Please retire now! You just admitted you might be over your head. This essentially means his foreign policy will be in the hands of war hawks like with every president since the Reagan era. For fucks sake! This can't get any uglier! Can it?

{The case for restraint seems to be gaining ground, particularly in its rejection of preventive wars and efforts to change the regimes of countries that do not directly threaten the United States.”}

Yea, I'm not getting that notion in the cases of Venezuela or Iran!

Well, again, someone's in my head. Maybe I should just post this without comment 🙂

Well it looks to me like Sanders is attempting the thread a needle mixed of one side being establishment Clinton, the other side being progressive light. In the one video it begins with him saying he is trying to transform the democratic party. I'll repeat this again. Not going to happen in our life time!

William_Mary 8 July 7
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