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__!!!!Equifax Might Owe You $125 for Its Massive Data Breach. Here's How to File a Claim!!!!!___

After the enormous 2017 data breach that revealed the private information of millions of people, credit bureau Equifax plans to pay millions to those affected.


You might remember this story from 2017. The site provides a link to a list in which you can see if your information was among the affected breach.

{If you were affected, you’ll have access to free credit monitoring and identity theft protection for up to 10 years. If you don’t want the credit monitoring, you can simply get a $125 payment.}

In other words. Mary and I were both on the affected list. But being we already have credit monitoring through our bank and our home insurance we just opted for the cash payment. If you prefer you can get the 10 years of credit monitoring instead. So check with your bank, and if you pay insurance for a privately owned home you might have additional monitoring through those entities.

Edit: PER Cutiebeauty

Equifax Breach: Are You Eligible For A $20,000 Payout?


Mary is informing me that after you open up the list page and move on, there is a 3rd option for those who lost money, time, and for lawyer fees to go further.

Thanks Cutie for your help!

William_Mary 8 July 26
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Well, I went ahead and opted for the credit monitoring, as it appears my info was breached. I'll be on the look out to see if anything untoward occurs now that I've given up my last six digits on the claim site.
Damn someone's cooking breakfast and it's making me hungry, somethings are more important!! 🙂
Thanks for the post.

Yea I said the same thing to Mary after I found out from the other article that we most likely will not see the $250.


Not eligible. Don't know if I should be happy about that or not lol

More on that today. It looks like it's pretty much a scam of sorts.


So the dark web gets all my private, financial data - and I get BEER MONEY!!!!

Haemish1 Level 8 July 26, 2019

Right! No it's not right. But $250 pays a bit of my bills.


Some people can get up to 20 thousand dollars if they can prove financial loss...

Can you provide details to that?

@William_Mary it was on many news stations... My financial advisor is applying for it for me...

@Cutiebeauty well I guess that thought is now out there for people to explore.

Mary is telling me now that it is on the FAQ page after you put in your last 6 digits of your SSN. So if you came up with unexpected money missing you have the option to sue for more. I take it.

@William_Mary []
Try this...

@Cutiebeauty thank you. I'll add it to the post!

@William_Mary you're welcome 😊

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