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MSM Defends CIA’s “Whistleblower”, Ignores Actual Whistleblowers

The word “whistleblower” has been trending in news headlines lately, but not for the reasons that any sane person might hope for.


I've held my tongue to this one until someone could fill in the gap I've been feeling. Well leave it to Johnstone to fill in the gap here. She has her nose so far up our asses it's like a dragon dildo.

But what's being left out about the Ukraine. I'm sure some of you have seen the video of Biden extorting the firing of a Ukrainian official. Bragging about withholding certain sums of money unless done so. But our media isn't talking about that as it goes with an illegal overthrow of the then government. Proving the media works hand in hand with our professional criminals. Essentially the same tactic Trump used Biden, media, and professional criminals now use against him. So redefining whistle blower and personal gain is in the headlines. Not to mention, but I will, our foreign policy conduct as a whole! Just ask Yemen how that goes.

What Isn’t Mentioned About the Trump-Ukraine ‘Scandal’: The Routine Corruption of US Foreign Policy

The impeachment offensive against Donald Trump is another symptom of a partisan disease that ignores an even greater malignancy


Headed down another rabbit hole to nowhere with the same results=distraction=again=no real issues being solved.

William_Mary 8 Sep 27
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This agent should have never known about the information. It was a violation of protocol of the dissemination list.

Ask yourself why a CIA "whistleblower" isn't in jail for this for not being a privileged person on a dissemination list while other actual whistleblowers are in jail. You aren't a whistleblower unless you're exposing the intelligence communities wrongdoings like Snowden and Manning did. This CIA guy will be protected by the agency. The other person or people who relayed the information to the CIA agent is the real "whistleblower". This was a set up to protect him or her. A set up that will fail nonetheless. I wouldn't be surprised if they even made up the CIA agent story.

Audio Interview


I guess the CIA working within the US has become a norm now, rather than against the rule of thumb, being it's exposed on a regular basis now. But as your audio seems to confirm, with the possibility of this agent being loaned to the white house, he or she just backfired on your potential use of such expertise.

So where does Trump's value of his intelligence agencies go from here? He spent his first days mocking them, then using them with a value of faith, to being bitten by them. It has to lead one to wonder, as I so do, that this is all a mascaraed ball.


So people who oppose Trump are fawning over this "whistleblower". I asked some if they felt the same way about Assange, Snowden, and Manning..............crickets.

They also ignore Biden's actions. They think corruption just started happening in 2016.

The funny thing is it's a CIA agent!!! People don't learn.

Trump being impeached isn't practical. The Dems are probably pissing off Independent voters looking at this as more partisan foolery because they lost in 2016. Add to this the Russiagate fiasco. Biden's presidential hopes might be done. Warren split the progressive/liberal vote and it will probably go to a 2nd ballot for the primary. The superdelegates will probably choose Biden regardless of what's happening. They will settle for Warren though. Biden might still get the delegates needed because Dems are so hard up for ANYONE (except Bernie) to beat Trump that they might still vote for Biden en masse. Either way I think Trump beats both of them. Warren will move more towards the middle or slightly right of center like Hillary did. It's the same narrative in 2020 with the anti-establishment platform Trump who sought to get Biden investigated on corruption accusations (even though we know Trump IS establishment), and Warren will have to deal with Trump playing the Native American card while she pisses off Independents who thought she was actually somewhat anti-corporation and anti-foreign intervention, but they will see that she is going to be corporate friendly just like Hillary and will also go along with the establishment foreign policy plan. This is all a win/win for Trump because there's a 99.99% chance that the Senate doesn't remove him if he's impeached. The Dems keep adding more wood on the fire thinking it's keeping them warm, but it's actually burning them.

Of course I could be wrong 😉

@LetzGetReal I didn't know that.

@LetzGetReal Yeah, after you mentioned it the other day I read that Warren wants labeling for GMOs to be voluntary and isn't supporting mandatory labeling.

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