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Cable News in Glare of Its Own Russiagate Gaslight

James Howard Kunstler wonders if there is any way to hold the errand boys-and-girls in the news media accountable for their roles as handmaidens in what will be eventually known as a seditious coup to overthrow a president.


{As for impeachment, ringmaster Rep. Adam Schiff is surely steaming straight into his own historic Joe McCarthy moment when somebody of incontestable standing denounces him as a fraud and a scoundrel}

Schiff needs this impeachment as much as Biden, Clinton, the DNC, and her campaign staff. This isn't only about Russiagate but Ukrainegate also. The 2 go hand in hand now. Eventually Schiff's relationship with peddling arms to Ukraine under the direction of the top weapons manufacturers could make an appearance to relative inquiry right along with Biden's actions in the Ukraine. The establishment wants this to go away, and go away quickly. Many are probably now wondering who the hell sent Biden out to run for president. There's really only 2 ways to look at this. Either we have one major distraction being waged, or there's a major shift going on in the establishment that's about to take place. My only question today is, why isn't Obama's name being brought up in any of this!?! The man presiding over all this has seemingly fell off the earth and never existed.

William_Mary 8 Nov 3
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I cannot disagree with you more. Look up Kunstler's history. The MSM has become a capitalistic industry, just like our government, but there are many rank and file workers in both who believe in facts, truth and dissemination of that information, not the BS put out by the GOP and, yes, the Dems at times.


That is for a nonsense post😑

That helps us understand so much. Thank you for that wonderful insight.


I'm sure there is a major shift coming up and those in power on both sides do not want to deal with it. Obama and Hillary are not brought up because neither of them are in power right now. Bringing them up is distraction and disinformation. Apples and oranges that Trump hopes you will be concerned with rather than actually being concerned with Trump and what he is doing. What is going on now can only be laid squarely at the feet of Donald Trump and the Koch Industries regime. They are in agreement with Russia in the ability to extract world wealth and minerals without any EPA restrictions. This also means that nobody gives a damn about you and your healthcare, your food, water, or wages. They want us all to shut up and learn to live with it. I believe in fighting back.

DenoPenno Level 9 Nov 3, 2019

@jorj My remarks had nothing to do with Russia in any way about Hillary losing. You are creating a distraction here. My remarks have to do with Koch Industries and Russia both wanting EPA type laws and regulations to simply go away so they can extract mineral wealth from the earth without worry about paying an environmental penalty. Why are you defending Trump? He is part of this and would do away with the EPA if he could. Try paying attention.

@jorj I have to agree with Nancy Pelosi, with trump all road lead back to Putin. In his latest major foreign policy stumble, who won in Syria - First Putin, second Erdogan, third Assad. In Helsinki who won. In South Korea who won. Sorry, but with the KGB still in charge in Russia, placating them is just putting us on the chopping block.

@jorj I see it that we both just said the very same thing. What I take away from it might not be exactly what you do, however.

@jorj So, I guess you watch a lot of faux news.

@jorj I question it bigly, bigly, and I do so without distractions.

@SiouxcitySue you just proved his point. Because I posted an article that doesn't favor your views doesn't mean I support Trump, or watch "faux" news. What it seems to mean though is that you're unwilling to explore or examine other evidence of foul play that goes against you views. Which in this group my goal here is to provide evidence on how both establishment parties work against us all with the help of main stream media. AND, seriously? Nancy Pelosi!?! One of the largest billionaires in DC, the war hawk who manages to keep us suppressed at all cost in aspects of social commitments while fawning over wall street. She's one of the biggest actors in DC, you put your trust in her?

@William_Mary Unless things change drastically in the next year we know that Trump will be re-elected. Why so? Ask yourself how many LGBTQ votes you will get for DNC candidates and if others would elect you if you promise to take the guns away. On top of that you have the prospect that Hillary might choose to run as an independent. This would so split the vote that Trump would be the only option. I'm an activist but it appears that the powers that be know many things that the rest of us do not.

@DenoPenno Trump isn't suppose to be the President today. All indications were that Hillary was going to win if you had listened to media and polls. But he miraculously managed to win the electoral collage, pulling it off at the end of the night, to everyone's unsuspected surprise. So at any given point the rules or party conduct can be changed, as we seen with the DNC, the delegates and collage can determine who wins within a blink of an eye. Why? Because it's all a scam. Why? Because you and I don't matter and don't get a count. Why? Because between the republican party and democratic party enough people are purged from the system to make it easier to take the obvious out of the equation.

2016 was the largest example of how both parties managed to chose their primary candidates against all odds to show every American that the voting system we have is simply one major joke. It now has neon lights all around it that spell out suckers.

I don't understand where you're trying to go with the LGBTQ statement. As stated it makes no sense. All I can give you is that the majority tend to vote democrat. Are you attempting to claim they are changing for some reason or leading to making that a point? Sames as with guns. Guns are a party issue, what is it you're attempting to say to me. The only issue with guns is within the democratic party supporters. Those that want guns take away and those that request better background checks. I think its safe to say most republicans support the false narrative of the 2nd amendment and conditioned NRA agenda.

I don't put much thought into the talk on what's going towards the predicted future by the media or even my own sources I trust knowing it's all conjecture until the bottom line has a period. Think for yourself using the information provided. Everyone has a projection towards conjecture. It's a lot more interesting when yours comes out being right or close to being right, than having discovered you been duped again by the perception management squad.

@William_Mary Your last paragraph hits it. My remark about those running for POTUS and appealing to LBGTQ people is the simple fact that there are not enough of them to secure an election. Since I am not a Dem it also makes no sense to claim if you are elected you will take guns away. This kind of nonsense plus Hillary claiming she might run as an Independent is why I see Trump winning again in 2020. I certainly do not want that happening but apparently, nobody really cares.

I'm also seeing Trump supporters sitting around with T-shirts these days that say "read the transcript." I find this funny because the White House admits there is no verbatim transcript of the Ukrainian phone call. Then Trump says on TV that he is not against people testifying but he does not want them to because this is all bogus from the beginning. If Mr. Trump was any other known POTUS in our entire history he would have been hauled out of the White House kicking and screaming by now, so what is this experiment really about?

@DenoPenno well the Ukraine shit is all bullshit. I can think of reasons each president should have been hauled out of the white house since Reagan. Which leads right back to the Ukraine bullshit. They have all broken the law, ethical conduct rules of governing, committed crimes against society, and lied their way through all of it while congresses and senates have played out numerous facades in investigative hearings. We have no real sense of a government working for the people in any aspect! And your stuck on Trump. Their mission as far as direction has been accomplished.

It's not about the LBGTQ society being large enough to secure an election. Or gun people of either side. It's about society as a whole who find common interest in how they want their society. As I stated in my last reply, the LBGTQ society vastly leans to the left supporting democrats. The problem with that is that there is no left, left anymore. The left started leaving during the Nixon era. By the time Bill Clinton was done the left was gone. The democratic party has retreated back to the days of their racist times joining the republican party against working class people also for the benefit of corporations and the ruling class.

They don't care if they lose to Trump!!! I've been saying this since the 2016 primary when I realized Sanders was a con artist.

@William_Mary Sorry. I'm not stuck on Trump but I am stuck and fully anchored in the tactics of Koch Industries and others like them and that follow them since they bought into the current GOP. This comes out of the Libertarians and can be traced in books like "Dark Money." Trump is the visible symptom of this as POTUS and he should never have been POTUS.

You say the Ukraine shit is bullshit! So does Trump and his followers and they want you to read a transcript that even the White House admits is not a verbatim transcript, and it was the White House that put out the transcript in the first place. Asking a foreign government to investigate your rival or you will withhold their AID money is an impeachable offense and is against our rule of law. This is about Trump here and now because he is POTUS. It is not about anyone else who is not, or any other POTUS in our known history.

You seem to be falling for the same distraction and disinformation as everyone else. When you do so it is proof that they are doing their job. I see a 2 party system where both parties appear to have taken corporate money for favor and what the Dems are offering now is not a way out of this mess. It appears that the corporations do not want a way out of this either. They are putting us all right where they want us.


{You seem to be falling for the same distraction and disinformation as everyone else.}

No, I want Biden to pay for what he helped to do to that country along with all the rest that collaborated in the murders and genocides. I want Obama to especially be held accountable! I want the truth of Russia involvement to be publicly acknowledged over the fake media using them as a fear factor. I want it to lead back to the 2016 primary where the DNC and Clinton got away with totally destroying what was left of democracy. I want Seth Rich's murderer and those in that conspiracy to be held accountable. I want Julian Assange freed over the false narrative he's in prison for before they kill him. Preferably before he loses his mind and ability to become healthy again.

If you were to take the time to watch the video I post today of Aaron Mate's discussion with his father Gabor Mate, Mr. Mate explains how fear is used against us through propaganda. That discussion is a tool towards enlightenment on a few aspects.

@William_Mary Fear factors and fake media seem to be key in your replies. In my world I wonder who has the ability to declare which media is "fake news?" Once we find that person let's discover where they get their news. So much for Trump and his distractions.

Clinton used the DNC but I'm not sure that Democracy was destroyed by them. Donna Braszile wrote a book on this. What exactly did Biden and Obama do to the Ukraine that you think they should be held accountable for? Does this seem likely to happen and what does it have to do with removing Donald Trump? I'm sure that Trump can bamboozle things around to convince others that he is our champion and is checking into this for us. That's what him and Barr continue to do to make false claims of why they should stay in power.

In other media I am asking outright if America has ever had another president who was ordered to pay 2 million for defrauding a charity. I expected to be cussed, but so far I have no replies. I can agree with you on Assange and a few things here, but I see no real likelihood of others happening. If we like we can go back in history and ask if FDR knew in advance about Pearl Harbor. I doubt that it will get us anywhere. We need to deal effectively with the current and present danger, and that danger is those behind the man who sits in the White House right now. "The mistake" that never should have been there.

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Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []

Posted by William_MaryIt rarely never fails.

Posted by William_MaryIf You Wish Someone a Happy Memorial Day, You Fail to Understand Its True Meaning The mythology perpetuated at Memorial Day benefits no one save the militarists and war profiteers.

Posted by LufahyuMedia Sources; people from all walks and ideologies peruse a variety of source material available on the Internet, some more reliable than others.

Posted by joy2loveThe Neuroscience of Illusion - Scientific American

Posted by CherokeemanBlessings y'all.

Posted by Archeus_LoreA good meme for religious people to see . . . .

Posted by William_MaryIt has been questioned if Einstein actually made this statement.

Posted by William_Mary“The ideas of the ruling class are in every epoch the ruling ideas, i.

Posted by William_MaryHowever we have an escape-------[]

Posted by William_MaryKeep people from their history, and they are easily controlled.

Posted by William_MaryThis fairly explains our political woes within our citizenry when it comes to the voting process that's managed within only 2 parties with their perceptions managed by propaganda designed to support ...

Posted by William_MaryI can pretty much apply this thought to just about everyone who has attempted to challenge my agenda here in this group, and my comments on social media in regards to our political arena.

Posted by William_MaryBy Apr.

Posted by William_MaryThe working class holds the strength to change the world for a better society for everyone. We just need to refuse to remain indoctrinated into their manufactured delusional reality.

Posted by William_MaryWhen the state is controlled by corporations and the ruling class.

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