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Message to the US Corporate Media: Capitalism is Responsible for the Deaths of Millions of People

Corporate media snake-oil salesmen/women are doing their best to convince the masses that socialism is the devil itself.

“If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.”


{If the greatest trick the devil ever played was to convince humankind that he didn't exist, then the corporate media's greatest trick may have been convincing Americans that there was a huge difference between the likes of Fox News, MSNBC, CNN, ABC News, and the like. These networks are similar to the two corporate political parties, Democrats and Republicans. They are more alike on significant issues, such as war/imperialism, than they are dissimilar. Perhaps this is why many antiwar activists refer to the Democrats and Republicans as the "War Party." }

If you have a growing concern towards the type of news you're getting and want to avoid the above, join us at "Out Of The Illusion " Group Where many of us already understand that fake news comes from those entities mentioned above. Providing alternative news sources by real independent investigative journalist, genuine reporters, and political commentators, not the big money reporters who deliver you a delusional reality. With the new year in and a new election cycle ramping up, you'll be provided with more information and wondering why you didn't ask more before. Ask more! Do real news again. Break free of their conditioning perception management via narrative control.

Obviously we can't change this years coming outcome in the election, we've been well outflanked once again. Now we must look forward within the next 4 years to help the generations behind us to help give them the change they desire. Curving the capitalist rule of inequality over us and the imperialism building destroying us and the planet. Unempire and exodus the 2 party establishment!

{This is why there are people who would prosper under socialism, who are often afraid of the mere mention of the word. They have been indoctrinated and socially programmed to fear what they are oblivious to. They have been socially engineered to fear whatever the government (and corporate media) tell them to fear. }

Most people don't have a real sense of understanding socialism. There are 3 basic types of socialism. If you don't understand these 3 basic types of socialism, please do society a favor, either learn them or shut the fuck up. You're only doing more harm being ignorant.

Professor Wolff discusses the three basic kinds of socialism as anti-capitalist ideologies grow in the U.S. and more people are looking toward socialist alternatives. Prof. Wolff lays out the importance of grasping key differences among the alternative kinds of socialism. The first half of the show is an examination of those differences among (1) the moderate or "democratic" socialism ( a la Scandinavia), (2) the communist kind of socialism (in the USSR and People's Republic of China) and (3) the new socialism focused on democratizing the work place.

William_Mary 8 Mar 8
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"Capitalism" has done nothing. It is just an idea.

Greedy evil pieces of shit are the root of ALL evil, regardless of the ideology. Including socialism, and communism.

JacarC Level 8 Mar 8, 2020

So much for being a "freethinker". Have I asked if you were conditioned much lately? Jacar, people commit murder everyday over a developed idea. Yet you miss the concept of an economic system the relies heavily on capitalist warring that has killed millions over the past 18 years. War has been big business feeding the capitalist system since at least WWI. Weapons manufactures, politicians, and wallstreet love it! The people who make this work are your "greedy evil pieces of shit" in which it is their system to do it from in which their wars help feed it, capitalism. How in the hell do you miss putting those pieces together!?!


Thanks. I really enjoyed watching that. The third kind begs so many questions. Who does hiring? Who decides what to make/do? Who controls each section? But I really like the idea of employees being part owners.

Some of the most successful companies are those which are employee owned or employee shared profited. Are they going to be as big as those who are controlling our society? No, probably not anytime soon. But that is not what the purpose initially was. If our society was drastically more like this we'd be looking at a better society and a safer planet.

If we had a government with real concern of its citizens, it would have quickly realized the damage of outsourcing our manufacturing and began turning these places into employee owned operations.

I don't see any reason to change hiring protocols. This isn't done by CEO's for large scale operations in most cases. With a more unified employee democracy I would imagine they would inject a unionized style person to participate in that procedure also.

I don't really see much to change in the other areas you mention either, for the same reasons. For the most part all aspects of a company are ran by people within the same social structure with incomes closely related.

The main concern would come with distribution of profits and the ability to change over to another product should that be necessary. In which would greatly benefit equal distribution from one area to another and to reduce transportation concerns keeping societies outside our own immediate areas from falling into disparity. The entire present process of feeding wealth hungry CEO's and stock holders that hold our society back from advancement must end!

@William_Mary Yes I know all of that.

It really bothers me that people I have run against in provincial and federal elections and whom I know well, once elected care more about their re-election and their party than about their electorate. Plus the party leaders speaking as on the left but governing on the right. Trudeau is exactly that.


P.S. and for fuck sake use sources like to see what slant the news you are seeing or reading has. Nothing wrong with looking at ALL sides but willful ignorance has just about destroyed America.

Unfortunately, every fact checker I've looked into is as fake as the fake news itself. If you do a search on the company and or owner of, it almost always leads to a think tank group or people with their own agenda. Sorry to inform you, but I'd find it wise to question media bias fact checker also. # 2 on this list.


His bio on Wikipedia offers no evidence towards having experience in judging news. He does appear to have a good gig as the president of The New School for all intentional purposes which seems legit. His discourse with zerohedge is quite telling though as far as reliability to the agenda of providing a reliable source to judging news.


@William_Mary I see what you mean. Must follow the money. Just when I thought I could sort of count on wittling out facts 😟.

@silverotter11 just follow me dam mit 🙂 No, seriously, you personally already have it in your DNA of knowing the reality of what's going on I've learned! You're on top of the game!

Even the best of us fall down the rabbit hole from time to time. What matters is when we catch a root in the ground that stinks and we grab it and use it to pull ourselves back out. There's so many out there that just keep going deeper though.

I think I provide a good number of sites on the welcoming page to cover all the bases though. I just wish more people would use them. I try to get at least one article of the main sites I use on the post each weekend to draw people to those sites, in hopes they save them to return and learn more on their own.

Another good way to test a fact checking site is to watch where a site or source you feel is predominately good and see where it is on the list and how it's rated. It it has any inclination of being poorly rated you can probably be sure the site has an agenda to sway you towards fake news. If the site has any of the MSM sources under good ratings, RUN, fast. If you have to do a search for a site you like, it probably isn't a good sign. Like Google or Wikipedia they tend to avoid advertising or promoting sites and journalist that are the best. You're almost sure to get the controlled narrative sites and information on the top of the list.

@William_Mary Yeah, my bullshit-o-meter does work pretty well. 🙂


Yesterday I saw a reporter out among the people and a woman stated she does not trust ANYTHING a democrat says. I'd say corporate media has done their job.

Trying to silence corporate media now will not work, too many making too much money off of spewing fear, hate and lies.

NOW come up with a way to educate the ignorant and ya have a winning solution. The ignorant and downright stupid are not about to STFU.

Oh yes and that is why the trend now is to dumb down education. Only the elite need education and even then only in how to destroy those who get in their way.

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