I can't make this shit up. Hollywood beat me to it. World War Z, according to reports, was suppose to be based on the SARS outbreak.
GOP Senator Kept Coronavirus Info Secret for Weeks, But Shared It With Wealthy Donors
I'd say this was a colossal fuck up, but, I'm fairly certain it's because they just don't give a rats ass about us common citizens.
He needs to be in jail.
Corruption thy name is republican.
Wasn't Martha Stewart a democrat?
Different rules- the gop hounded Hillary for years, but no one's supposed to touch orange-blob shithead. Just ask his partner in crime, Barr
The rich don't have to live by the same rules they impose on us...
He needs to be put in fucking jail and banned from politics.
He has been getting a lot of negative publicity and even a few hints at a criminal act.
It's insider trading. He's claiming he just watched the news but telling his rich cronies the facts and lying to the public just do not compute.
@dede18 NO kidding!!! This gu'ys transgression is several levels deep, Martha was just stupid. What she did she should have known better but it is the disparity in sentencing for 'white' collar grime vs. like was was doled out for having a doobie on ya. that toasts my butt.
I saw there were several others who have don similar sell offs after being in confidential meetings. Loeffler, Inhofe were outed.
He needs to be stripped naked and publicly horse whipped.
Plus removed from, health care and benefits stripped away and forfeiture of assets. Make him dirt poor and watch him suffer might be amusing.
@silverotter11 Maybe parade him naked and allow people to flail him.
@dede18 Rotten eggs and tomatoes, eh?
Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. [consortiumnews.com]
Posted by William_MaryIt rarely never fails.
Posted by William_MaryIf You Wish Someone a Happy Memorial Day, You Fail to Understand Its True Meaning The mythology perpetuated at Memorial Day benefits no one save the militarists and war profiteers.
Posted by LufahyuMedia Sources; people from all walks and ideologies peruse a variety of source material available on the Internet, some more reliable than others.
Posted by joy2loveThe Neuroscience of Illusion - Scientific American
Posted by CherokeemanBlessings y'all.
Posted by Archeus_LoreA good meme for religious people to see . . . .
Posted by William_MaryIt has been questioned if Einstein actually made this statement.
Posted by William_Mary“The ideas of the ruling class are in every epoch the ruling ideas, i.
Posted by William_MaryHowever we have an escape-------[wsws.org]
Posted by William_MaryKeep people from their history, and they are easily controlled.
Posted by William_MaryThis fairly explains our political woes within our citizenry when it comes to the voting process that's managed within only 2 parties with their perceptions managed by propaganda designed to support ...
Posted by William_MaryI can pretty much apply this thought to just about everyone who has attempted to challenge my agenda here in this group, and my comments on social media in regards to our political arena.
Posted by William_MaryBy Apr.
Posted by William_MaryThe working class holds the strength to change the world for a better society for everyone. We just need to refuse to remain indoctrinated into their manufactured delusional reality.
Posted by William_MaryWhen the state is controlled by corporations and the ruling class.