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Grim warning over food supplies
This might be great news (despite what some may think). We really need to get off the meat bandwagon. Maybe Mother Nature is sending us a message loud and clear and we really need to listen. There are no good reasons to continue this habit. Just like smokers when the price of cigarettes went up. Many quit or reduced their smoking. Many found a new life on of which was a new life free from pain and addiction. []

JackPedigo 9 Apr 27
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YAY πŸ˜€
I would be happier if this would be permanent. Cruelty is cruelty animals are more important than my stomach.
Animals don’t have the choice to be on your dinner plate.

Wildgreens Level 8 Apr 28, 2020

For years I had a cutting with a comment by either Hemingway or Faulkner. It basically said that, in the end animals will get their revenge.


Hmmmm... This might just be a short term type of thing... I don't eat much meat anyway so I can go full vegetarian if I needed to...

That has been my thoughts. I have beans, I have seitan or can make it. I have nuts and lotsa peanut butter. Personally I think it would be better for the planet if more people went vegetarian or vegan. And I grew up in the great plans. Folks tell me, This is Nebraska, we eat BEEF." Well this corn fed girl traveled to other parts of the US and the world and I'm happy not eating beef, or pork, or chicken. Call me a rebel.

@HippieChick58 What is seitan?

@Cutiebeauty Seitan is wheat gluten. "Wheat meat" has been around for centuries, although the name "seitan" (pronounced SAY-tan) is a much more recent development. Although it is made from wheat, seitan has little in common with flour or bread. Seitan becomes surprisingly similar to the look and texture of meat when it's cooked, making it a popular meat substitute for vegetarians and vegans. It is also called gluten, wheat protein, or wheat gluten. [] I've made it a few times, it is very versatile. I was trying to use up the wheat gluten I found in my pantry. I'm not real sure when or why I bought wheat gluten....

@HippieChick58 that's very interesting.. I haven't heard of this.. I'll have to look into it... Thanks 😊

Maybe but for some, hopefully, it will be permanent.


I read about that and was wondering.
Despite being a 20-year plus vegetarian, I get nervous when society is forced into decisions (although that may be the only way we can make the right choice -- 'we'll make the right choice only when all others have been exhausted' 😎).

This is a crisis point for humankind and there are lots of issues (many of which are related) that should be addressed -- climate change, extraction capitalism, the meat economy, ..., to name a few.
I hope (wish? -- a bit forlornly I'll admit) that we make conscious rational choices.
To quote our dear leader: 'I guess we'll see'.

RichCC Level 8 Apr 27, 2020

Thank you we need more with such vision.

For me, and I assume this is common, many of my choices have been somewhat forced. No one easily changes direction and detours are often uncomfortable but, in the end, necessary. It is rightly said we learn more fromour mistakes than our successes.


I agree with 100% πŸ˜‰

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