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Another reason to eat meat shot down. []

JackPedigo 9 June 3
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I've tried those, Jack and find them very dry. The ones which REALLY give me the creeps are the ones which ''bleed'' beet juice. GAAAAAAAHHHHH. I'd rather make my on veggie burgers. I can pronounce all the ingredients. 🙂

I forgot I posted that. Wow, six months and still kicking. I discovered a vegan restaurant in Bellingham and the meat sandwiches were so real they were scary. I too have a bunch of veggie burger recipes. One uses yams and it's baked. That's my favorite.


I finished off a package of Beyond Burgers a week ago and will buy them again. They make a Beyond Jerky now that is really good, too. I've had the Impossible Whoppers from Burger King and have actually inspected them closely because it's difficult to tell the difference, especially when they are loaded up with toppings. These new plant based burgers are very different from the grain or bean burgers that have been around for decades. (I love those as well!)

dkp93 Level 8 June 3, 2022

Oh, and the Impossible Breakfast Sandwich from Starbucks tastes so much like sausage that I sometimes think they gave me the wrong thing.


Em…no! I have certainly reduced the amount of red meat I eat in recent years, consume more poultry and fish than I used to and can go a couple of days a week completely meatless…but there is absolutely nothing that can substitute for the taste of meat when I do feel like eating it…the taste is just not there in ersatz or pseudo meat I’m afraid. I was raised by my Scottish mother to eat a balanced diet to be healthy, which includes all food types…but all in moderation and not cutting any out altogether.

Were you able to get the report? People, who are life long meat eaters swear by the two new brands. Even the texture and look are the same.

@JackPedigo I did get it…but being a natural skeptic I have my doubts!

@Marionville Being a skeptic is good but often the conspiracy people say the same thing. For me the adage, 'trust but verify' is important in separating truth from conspiracy.

@JackPedigo Let’s just say…I’ll reserve judgment until I’ve tasted them. Taste and food preferences are all pretty personal to the individual in any case.

@Marionville Are the new 'meat' products being sold in your area?

@JackPedigo I’ve really no idea…as I haven’t gone looking for them, but I’m pretty sure they’ll be on sale over here. I buy most of my meat from a local farm shop…because I believe in supporting the local N.I. economy and that way the meat is traceable and certified at all stages from birth to the table. My eggs and poultry are likewise and free range. The fish fresh from the waters around the Irish Sea and Atlantic Ocean…right on our doorstep. The seasonal vegetables are grown locally too…but certain fruit and more exotic and out of season vegetables have to be imported of course.

@Marionville If you had to get them from the 'usual' places like a supermarket would it change things about your diet?

@JackPedigo I don’t think it would significantly change my diet…no.

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