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I just wanted to get through Dec 25th, unharmed, like any other day.
I sought out the vegans, and they're all exchanging recipes for plant-based celebratory family gathering feasts, and stuffing and basting things with religious nonsense.
I sought out the atheists, and they're all celebrating the solstice, festivus, whatever with celebratory meals centred on animal corpses.
And both are with all their family.

TV isn't even a distraction, from the news (how is commerialization of religious bs, and santa's whereabouts news?), to commercials, to every
program's christmas special, to every movie on offer.

Am I the only vegan anti-theist orphan, single, childless, ill with the weather, and just wanting to get through it?

LizZyG 5 Dec 24
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Here's hoping that you find that one channel that doesn't have a Xmas special on. Vegans have it very rough around here since almost everything this time of year has some form of bacon in it.

glennlab Level 10 Dec 24, 2023

And, wishing everybody ... peas on earth, carrots on mars, and corns on uranus.

LizZyG Level 5 Dec 24, 2023

Hard Pass, especially #3, thankyuvurry much......

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Posted by jjbelleAt the Demver airport. The Grilled Cheese option is the slightest of nods to the obligation to provide an option. The Caprese is a nod and a point.

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