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Ok I am not a vegetarian or vegan, but I would like to get some nice healthy recipes to transition away from meat in general.

Thatsolarguy 3 June 17
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An easy dish for us is to stir-fry mixed veggies (I like the ones with water chestnuts, mushrooms, plus stuff like peppers and broccoli), add a good pre-made sauce, and put over rice.

SilviaPark Level 5 July 5, 2018

Just omit the meat and animal products frm your meals. I made spaghetti w vegan italian meatballs . You can get those at Walmart at first. There are all kinds of meatless choices. Hope that helps you.

J-MaisOui Level 5 June 21, 2018

Stay with us. Lots of knowledgeable people here and cookc!

  1. Boil some almond milk.
  2. Pour oatmeal in it.
  3. Add Lakanto syrup (if almond milk is unsweetened and tastes like thin mud).
  4. If you're a freak, go ahead and add raisins.
  5. Use spoon to shovel that delicious shit into yer gaping future meat-free mouthhole.

You can't go wrong with a vegetarian chilli. They are delicious with or without meat.

I like vegan chili. There are so many ways you can go. If you eat meat, going organic, which a farmer recently said is not quite the right word. What you want to eliminate is sugar, steroids, antibiotics, pesticide, and added flavors. The Organic does not always insure there is no pesticide. You can get get noodles made out of celery, .Rice, You can add a great organic free veggie and you got a nice meal. You can use many of the meats are marked now. I label read. The same with veggies. I love the different flavors of hummus, tofu. They are coming out with so many great tasting foods now it is easy to go slowly, learn recipes, and grow your MENU. That is what is great. I just love as a dessert rice pudding, no extra sugar added, and gluten free. It has a great taste and is wonderful with fresh fruit!


I won't give up my milk and cheese. I am from WI originally after all.

I love cheese. I have trouble with that one myself. I can do without lots milk, but I so love the many cheeses.


Start eating high quality meats and realize how bad low quality, cheap meat is.


Change the focal point of your meals. Try new grains, pulses, fruit, veggies, nuts, and seeds. International grocers are your friend, and a great resource for umami sauces.

(ノ◕ヮ◕)/ Gochujang!

There is a lot more fibre in healthy diets that do not contain animal products, so you will need to eat a larger volume of food to meet your calorie needs. Plan to adjust your consumption accordingly.

A favorite lunch of mine is quinoa (2 cups, chilled), arugula (1-2 cups), 1-1/4 avocado, ~6 cherry tomatoes halved, spoonful of your favorite olives, Optional, teaspoon of green peppercorns in brine, Optional, and herbs (~1-4 tablespoons), tossed with a 3 to 1 olive oil to white wine vinegar vinaigrette. Salt and pepper to taste.

Wash down with a blueberry banana smoothie.


Toas Level 2 June 18, 2018

Good on ya. As far as I'm concerned every meal you eat that doesn't include meat or dairy is a plus. Good for you and good for the planet. Probably best to look at what kind of food you currently like to eat and then look for veggie or preferably vegan meals from within that cuisine. Google is your friend (well probably not actually but very good for finding recipes 😉 )
Good luck

JimmyM Level 7 June 18, 2018

Good on ya. As far as I'm concerned every meal you eat that doesn't include meat or dairy is a plus. Good for you and good for the planet. Probably best to look at what kind of food you currently like to eat and then look for veggie or preferably vegan meals from within that cuisine. Google is your friend (well probably not actually but very good for finding recipes 😉 )
Good luck

JimmyM Level 7 June 18, 2018

Join us. There are many very experienced vegan cooks here.

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Posted by jjbelleAt the Demver airport. The Grilled Cheese option is the slightest of nods to the obligation to provide an option. The Caprese is a nod and a point.

Posted by jjbelleAt the Demver airport. The Grilled Cheese option is the slightest of nods to the obligation to provide an option. The Caprese is a nod and a point.

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