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The Hemp/Cannabis/Marijuana Plant takes 4 1/2 times more CO2 from the air than any other plant does per crop. The growing season in Canada is 120 days & all of the Sugarcane Fields in the US would get 2 crops per year. That would remove 9 times the CO2, 9 times more than any other plant any place in the World. Hemp/Cannabis/Marijuana is the Sacred Plant that cleans the air, soil & water. One of the biggest mistakes of the 20th Century.

The other was growing the Dairy Industry through refrigeration so that now humans consume 25 times the cows milk products. Causing most of the Cancer, Heart Disease, Alzheimer's, Diabetes, Autoimmune Diseases, Osteoporosis, etc. that we have today. Humans have been the test animals & these 2 changes have created the greatest harm. Read "The China Study"; watch "Food Choices" on Netflix.

Walter1968 6 June 27
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I don't have the stats but it's probably neck to neck on the fiber with cotton .

Besalbub Level 8 June 28, 2018

The Hemp Fiber is 3 times stronger than cotton & easier to grow. Does not require the herbicides or pesticides that cotton does. Hemp yields more per acre & labor inputs are much less.


It should be noted that in taking up the CO2 it will release a perportionate amt of Oxygen.

Besalbub Level 8 June 28, 2018

@SilverDollarJedi, that is per crop per year. Hemp grows out in 120 days so you would get multiple crops annually. It cleans the soil & water too. There are over 2,000 strains of the Hemp Plant & some remove much more CO2.


Lay off my dairy products, you cad .lol

zorialoki Level 8 June 27, 2018

No way, all products from cow's milk are the most harmful thing that you can feed babies, children & ourselves. I expect that in the next generation we will be making products like milk out of the Hemp Seeds; ie, Hemp Hearts sold at Walmart & Costco. Mix them with water for Hemp Milk; mix them to 30% solids for Ice Cream Mixes, etc. Cows milk is growth hormone for Calves.

Milk in its natural state is not harmful to most people if consumed in moderation.
It's all the hormones, antibiotics and other garbage that they shove into our cattle that are harmful.
Humans evolved as the only Mammal that can drink and digest milk into adulthood.

@Leafhead I lived on cattle ranches. They are supposed to stop feeding cattle hormones 6 months before they are slaughtered. All the ranches feed hormones to cattle right up to butcher. Not only do the hormones fill our beef but also adrenaline from fear. They all know they are being slaughtered.

@Leafhead Incorrect! Over the past 3 generations, the consumption of cows milk products has increased 25 times per capita in most of the Western Countries. We now have learned that the casein protein in cows milk feed cancer cell growth & should be classified as a carcinogen. Cows milk consumption is the main reason for the cancer, not the environmental toxins!. The casein protein is the glue that hold cholesterol together forming Plaque & causing Heart Disease & Alzheimer's. The casein protein glues the bile ducts shut on the pancreas leading to Type 1 & 2 Diabetes. Cows milk is Growth Hormone for calfs. This all happened because of refrigeration & humans were the animals. Hemp milk products are great.

@Walter1968 I mostly like cheese, and whole fresh milk on occasion

@zorialoki Lets just teach the next generations that it is harmful. The alternatives will make great products & eliminates the industrial agriculture farms that are doing great damage to the environment let alone the cows terrible life.

@Walter1968 I have tried fake milk, I will leave that for somebody but not me


Sacred plant indeed. What fools the human species is. Reefer madness as truth?

Mooolah Level 8 June 27, 2018

How is promoting a safe, healthy plant like hemp "reefer madness?"

@poetdi56 Reefer Madness was a movie made in the 1950's portraying the madness that cannabis causes. Today it is a cult favorite with what is now seen as comedy. The film was portrayed as truthful.

@Countrywoman I am aware of the movie. I was not sure I understood its relevance in this post. Sorry if I misunderstood!


And it makes a balogna sandwich taste as good as a steak! ?

Sticks48 Level 9 June 27, 2018

If you believe bologna tastes as good as a steak you have some really messed up taste buds. I would feed bologna to my dogs as it tastes like crap to me. I love steak, the though of the smell of fried bologna is almost enough to make me puke.

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