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The plant paradox

Wildgreens 8 July 2
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This is a very good book and has shaped my food consumption in the last year. Highly recommended reading. Of course there is no one way to live, but I have found useful tools in this book.

arca2027 Level 6 July 2, 2018

I have always been a bread and pasta-foodie. But, a year ago, I had eliminated breads, brown rice, and pastas from my diet..just bored with my diet. I lost 5 pounds (which is a lot on this 4'8" body). I had received a couple loaves of 100% whole grain breads. I hated to let them go to waste plus I really did miss toast. So I would consume the stuff slowly/a couple slices per day. I had the worst stomach pain those days (last week). I've thrown the breads out. No more stomach pain. I've had stomach pain all my life. I had no idea that it was whole grains. So my life-long stomach issues are now a thing of my past. Also a year ago, I eliminated cheese-substituting with Daiya dairy-free, soy-free.

Plant1010J Level 6 July 2, 2018

Have read this book and recommend it to all my patient's and friends. Naturally. some will not find this information convenient to their belief systems. In short, plants are living things that would prefer not to be eaten and have evolved complicated chemical systems to ward off predators from insects to mammals including humans. Gluten is one form of lectin that causes problems for some people. As soon as humans began to cultivate grains to eat, bones got thinner, shorter and brain capacity decreased. This is know because we have the before and after skeletons and have excavated the garbage dumps next to living areas and know what the people ate. I have a patient, who reacts so severely to the lectins in tomatoes that within 20 minutes of eating a tomato, he is rendered incapable of functioning with a stomach ache, headache, nausea and vomiting. It also happens if he eats cranberries. The peanut allergy that kills is a lectin issue. Lectins from red kidney beans attack the cells that line the inside of the coronary arteries such that if someone already has a 70 to 90 per cent blockage, eating under cooked red kidney beans or other similar beans can induce a coronary heart attack within a very short time.


I would be curious to see if there is any mention of hybridization and genetic modification mention in the book. Gluten intolerance has come about because of the hybridization of wheat over ages. Most plants we eat today are not what we ate in the past.

JackPedigo Level 9 July 2, 2018

Here is the big take away
Ok so GOD say I will make plants and they will flourish , The energy they need to survive will be provided by this brilliant system I invented, PHOTOSYNTHESIS.
Now GOD says, I will make animal, And they too must have an energy source,
Then God had a memory loss and said animals shall have to move around and kill living tissue to consume it.
And then there was beauty.
WTF I could have been photosynthetic

EMC2 Level 8 July 2, 2018

Thank you , that was wonderful ,
But the system of mother nature will always be the deciding factor, Yes the agricultural revolution, the industrial revolution, the technology revolution have all brought unseen situations
This is evolution itself. Since we are understanding how plants work and relate this to how animals work, we will see the balance. Evolution is not just a few generations.
RECALL the moment man learned to cook meat, this rocked the species forever

EMC2 Level 8 July 2, 2018

Original sentence/premise: uuummm, how does he explain the numerous plants who depend on bees, birds spreading their seed? Plants were obviously evolving at the same time as their "predators"!

AnneWimsey Level 9 July 2, 2018

Good critical review.


arnies Level 7 July 2, 2018

Food fight! (my favorite quote from the movie Animal House)

Thank you for this. The adage that if it's too good to be true it probably isn't applies.

Food fight indeed. I reread the so called good critical review listed by arnies at
Colin Campbell is the author of The China Study, a soundly debunked study. He is an apologist for vegans and did the study looking to support his beliefs. He is decidedly biased and mentioned his tofu recipe. That settles it for me. Tofu is decidedly toxic, made from soy and should be avoided. He has zero credibility with many.

@Healthydoc70 Haha, I think it's funny when the diet and nutrition "gurus" go after each other for the same things that they do themselves.

Never trust a salesman...


Sounds fishy to me...


Saw his video and read his book, but haven't decided how much of it to believe. I have recently cut gluten out of my diet, but eliminating all lectins is more difficult.

doug6352 Level 7 July 2, 2018
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