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A great chart on a rich source of plant-based iron.

Sheannutt 9 Aug 31
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Owh figs, that's a nice revelation 🙂 I always think walnuts for iron and almonds for calcium though for some reason.


One thing missing is water?? My well water is hard and contains iron (that's why I installed a rain harvesting system). I am sure a lot of rural households have the same issue. Also, I have heard iron is more important for women than men.

@Sheannutt All of my tests are well within range but one; eosinophils. That has been an interesting issue with me.


Thanks for the chart. I feel great ?

Jrou Level 4 Sep 1, 2018

Great chart

entranger Level 5 Aug 31, 2018

I need to eat more of these! I was unable to donate blood twice last week because my iron levels were too low. Thanks for posting!

dkp93 Level 8 Aug 31, 2018

I lived in Germany in the 80s. I cannot give blood in the US. The baby I gave birth to in Germany can, but her older sister cannot. We may be carriers of Mad Cow Disease. Likely not but they are erring on the side of caution.


I regularly eat almonds, quinoa, and spinach. Good chart.

@Sheannutt Honey, you're a girl who sometimes makes poor choices. As a girl you're great!

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