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Vegan cheese - what's your go-to recipe? Which tools/gadgets do you recommend using?

I'm a baby vegan and the one thing I miss is cheese. My attempt to make it a few days ago did not go as planned. I think my little food processor just isn't the right tool for the job. Does a blender work better?

NicThePoet 7 Feb 21
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Low-Fat Vegan Cheeze Sauce (Yield: 2/3 cup)
 Earth Balance or other non-dairy buttery spread ............... 1 Tbsp
 Flour all purpose (or other flour) ........................................ 1 Tbsp
 Almond milk unsweetened, unflavoured ............................ 3/4 cup
 Nutritional yeast .................................................................. 6 Tbsp
 Dijon mustard ...................................................................... 2 tsp
 Garlic powder ...................................................................... 1/4 tsp
 Onion powder ..................................................................... 1/4 tsp
 kosher salt & freshly ground black pepper, to taste ........... 1/2 tsp

  1. In a skillet or pot, melt the Earth Balance (1 TBSP) over medium heat.
  2. In a medium sized bowl, whisk together the flour (1TBSP) and milk (3/4 cup) until all clumps are gone.
  3. Add milk & flour mixture and nutritional yeast (6 TBSP) to pot and whisk well. Reduce heat to low-medium.
  4. Add Dijon(2 tsp), garlic powder(1/4 tsp), onion powder(1/4 tsp), salt(1/2 tsp) and pepper(1/2 tsp) to taste and whisk frequently until the sauce thickens up, for about 5 minutes.
  5. If it’s still too thin you can add more flour to achieve the thickness you desire.
     To reheat: in microwave or on stove-top (add a splash of milk if it’s too thick) and whisk well.
     Store in an air-tight container for up to 5-7 days.

Nacho “Cheese”
1/2 cup raw cashews
1/4 cup nutritional yeast
1/4 red bell pepper, diced
juice of 1/2 lemon
1 tbsp coconut sugar (or agave, or maple syrup, or 1 date)
1 tsp sea salt pinch chipotle pepper powder (or smaller pinch of cayenne)
2-3 tbsp water to blend (less is more!)
Blend all sauce ingredients in blender or food processor; add water last, beginning with 1 tbsp and increasing only if required to make sauce blend smoothly.


If you can afford it I highly recommend you invest in a Vitamix blender. For smaller things a Nutri-bullet is also good and about 1/4 the cost.


Some follow your heart cheeses are pretty damn good... But you can use nutritional yeast in a number of ways to get that cheesy taste. One of my favorites is to mix a shit ton of it into some hummus... Another thing you can do is mix it into salsa and there's plenty of recipes out there. But definitely try Nutritional Yeast which can be found at Whole Foods or just get it on Amazon.


I am in the same boat - i don't want to eat cheese but I have hard time not eating it. I have heard that you can substitute nutritional yeast for Parmesan and I did mix my grated parm with the yeast flakes and it tastes fine. If I do get cheese, I try to get grass-fed, organic and/ or goat cheese rather than standard.

TerriCity Level 7 Feb 22, 2018

Many of the cheeses are soy based which I have a slight problem with. The best brand is "Chao". They have various types. I get the sliced kind. It is coconut based.
I have never tried to make it myself.

JackPedigo Level 9 Feb 21, 2018

Jack... just curious,,, what's your soy problem?

@Lysistrata There is an easy test one can take called the "FoodStats Antibody Assessment" [] A long list of food items is evaluated and if there is a reaction. A graph is shown from 0 to 6. Dairy is a V for me, eggs are 3 (yolks) and 4 (whites), soy is 3, sesame is 4 and sunflower seeds are 5. Everything else is good. Gluten is the wild card because there may not be a measurable reaction but one feels it. A lot of foods we eat are asymptomatic (like soy for me). However, an endoscopy once revealed there was a hidden reaction. Information about food is very important.


You'll never find a cheese you like at this point because your body is addicted to the chemicals in real dairy cheese. []

If you want to stop eating cheese, watch a ton of videos on the dairy industry and you'll be done with it. I had to do that for a while.

The only cheese I use regularly is Daiya mozzarella to make pizza.

Lysistrata Level 7 Feb 21, 2018

I think mostly true but not completely. We have 2 big cheese producers on the island. One has a herd of goats (21) and makes cheese from their milk. It is a small operation and no chemicals. The other uses cow and sheep milk. Again, small operation with no additives. I know these kind of practices exist all over the world. It's just a matter of finding them and their prices are higher.

@JackPedigo The problem isn't additives. The problem is casein. It mimics opiates and naturally occurs in all dairy products. Cheese has it. That's what your body is craving.

@Lysistrata There is a vegetarian version of casein. I don't remember what it is but read about it. I will look into this.

@Lysistrata []

@JackPedigo I don't understand the point of your link. I know what casein is.

@JackPedigo all casein is vegetarian.

@Lysistrata Then I am confused about this. A lot of cheese making involves stomach lining. A time ago there was a story about how vegetarians could get around that with the vegetarian casein. I will have to ask my cheese making friends about some of the details you mention.

@JackPedigo Well, there's an also an article from Forbes I posted with the original comment. Casein is just dairy protein.

@Lysistrata Now we are running in circles. I have a problem with all dairy so only do non-dairy cheese.

@JackPedigo Lysistrata might be mixing up casein with rennet. Rennet is an enzyme used in cheese production and is an animal product. I believe whoever said it is from the stomach lining of calves is correct, but have not researched this in decades myself.

@Susan4birds Thank you. This has happened before. Two people talking about 2 different things and neither understanding what the other person is getting at. Communication is not an exact science and is often full of pitfalls. Often, it is even more difficult between men and women.

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