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I’m curious about what you guys and gals to become vegetarian or vegan. I’ve been a vegetarian for 2 and half years and I love it and so much healthier now. I became a vegetarian because I’m super passionate protecting the environment and I found out the meat is extremely harmful to the environment. Animals have a much bigger footprint than plants and the meat industry has lead to a lot of deforestation happening to create huge areas for cattle to graze. It’s such a waste.

Rachel56 5 Nov 13
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I think raising farm animals for food troubled me from a very young age. I became involved with Zen Buddhism in the 80's, which also heavily influenced me.


I was a vegetarian student ... simply could not afford meat....... then one day the smell of a bacon sandwich pulled me back to the dark side - and the taste has held me captive ever since.
I hardly ever eat any factory processed meat ... I find the idea of mass producing animals for an abbatoir repugnant. But many friends keep cows, pigs, sheep, goats, chickens, llamas, etc so there is a steady supply of home reared protein.
And around here are always trying to wipe out the local deer population .. I occasionally collect fresh road kill, but also have to end the pain of some deer suffering at the roadside ... and fresh bambi is good food


It was a slow road for my precious partner and I (no cold tofurkey for us). Mainly about health concerns at first. Later I joined a group Earth Save [] It was through them that I learned about all the other issues.

JackPedigo Level 9 Nov 14, 2019

30 years as a vegetarian! I love helping to save the planet and animals!


I am 90% vegetarian but like to enjoy various chicken dishes in restaurants. They are so good that I do not think I can give it up for the rest of life. I will not be a vegan ever.

St-Sinner Level 9 Nov 13, 2019

I decided to go vegetarian due to my health, and because I realized how horrible the factory farms treat the animals. Humans don't need to eat meat to be healthy. In fact, humans are more healthy by not eating meat. Congrats on your decision!


I'm pretty much the same as @greatnani... But I do eat meat at home... It sounds like you're in a great place... Why change?


I am not quite 100% vegan, or I should say whole food plant based. I do not eat meat at home but have it sometimes when I am out. I have a terrible family history and need to eat as healthy as possible. Meat, in small quantities is where I am now. More as a condiment then the main dish. And only when out or at a friends house for dinner.

GreatNani Level 8 Nov 13, 2019

Our reasons are pretty much the same as yours. The meat economy involves a huge burden on our environment.
We are threatening our own existence with our overpopulation and pollution problems and there is no reason to needlessly shorten our time by adding more than we have to.

We don't have any children and we have been vegetarian for almost 20 years now. We've never regretted it.

RichCC Level 8 Nov 13, 2019

So true. I have been vegetarian for a very long time!

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Posted by jjbelleAt the Demver airport. The Grilled Cheese option is the slightest of nods to the obligation to provide an option. The Caprese is a nod and a point.

Posted by jjbelleAt the Demver airport. The Grilled Cheese option is the slightest of nods to the obligation to provide an option. The Caprese is a nod and a point.

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