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What is the secret to preparing lentils to soften them for soups or for use in vegi burgers. In my experience, it takes a long time to boil them to softness. I do not have a pressure cooker, but wondering if i should buy one to save energy and more easily prepare beans and lentils

coolhandluke1956 4 Nov 15
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My dried lentils cook in 20 minutes

hootie61 Level 4 Nov 16, 2019

Yes, I’ve heard it’s best to soak them overnight first. Personally I tend to only use them to bulk up stews that simmer for ages, so generally don’t bother soaking.


I pre-soak all my beans and even let them sprout. Cuts the cooking time down a lot and frees up enzymes for better digestion.

JackPedigo Level 9 Nov 15, 2019

We got a small Instant Pot (the one we have is IP-LUX60 V3 6 quart). It's dirt simple to use, very versatile, and the stainless inner pot is dishwasher safe.
I very much recommend it.
The only function the little one seems to lack vs the bigger one is yogurt making.
The small one fits better in our kitchen.

I've pressure cooked split peas, lentils, chickpeas and red beans all in around a half hour without soaking.
I've also made brown rice and sauteed tofu.
It steams anything that will fit in it.
And it also is a slow cooker.

I know there's a lot of hype (it makes me cringe) but this is the most useful gadget we've got in the kitchen after the oven, microwave and fridge.
Plus there are loads of free recipes on the web to explain how to fix just about anything you can think of.

RichCC Level 8 Nov 15, 2019

It only takes about 20 minutes to cook lentils, but I'm at about 25' elevation in Long Beach.

At almost 2,000' in Ashland, it might make sense to use a pressure cooker.

mcgeo52 Level 8 Nov 15, 2019

Plan meals many hours if not days in advance soaking lentils in your fridge takes no extra energy until you're ready to cook

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