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As a formerly religious person who took striving for moral perfection seriously, I find peace and freedom in being okay with my limits and imperfections. I have become convinced that eating meat and animal products is near, if not immoral. I have been intentional over the last few months to cut out animal products from my diet. As you know there is a lot of change and effort involved to make that transition. I find myself in a place where I feel two competing impulses: 1: keep working the change to cut out all forms of animal good completely. At work, for example, if someone baked a cake I might eat a slice but it may have eggs out milk in it. 2: to avoid the stressful perfection impulse. To be comfortable with slow progress. To be okay that I'm not perfectly moral.


jdubbs1066 4 Nov 28
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I think what is comfortable for you.


It sometimes has to be that way in order for us to keep our sanity. I too am at that point. Almost vegan (honey and an occasional piece of fish). These days no one needs to eat meat to live. When we closed the meat doors we suddenly found many, many other doors we had not even seen, being opened. I have 2 friends with whom I will be sharing Thanksgiving and they are lifetime vegans (and atheists). She can make literally anything vegan and one would not know. Their daughter got her PhD from UC Berkley and helped developed the Impossible food product.
A suggestion would be for people to go get what is known as an antigen blood test. Some foods may be causing subtle reactions in ones body and they do not know this. I have a high reaction to all dairy, sunflower and sesame seeds and a medium reaction to eggs (whites) and soy.

JackPedigo Level 9 Nov 28, 2019

Thank you for sharing that.


Good luck be careful with it if you don't balance amino acids for complete proteins you can get sick

bobwjr Level 10 Nov 28, 2019

Amino Acids


I'm mostly vegetarian but on occasion, I'll eat meat.. The holidays, I'm not so picky but I'll be enjoying eggplant Parmesan today and pernil...


When I am alone, I eat mostly vegetarian. When I eat with my kids or others, I eat what they cook and don't worry about it. I'd rather focus on the relationships than the food. I am not willing to be so focused on my perfection or my preferences as to make someone else uncomfortable or to draw unneeded attention to myself. Today being Thanksgiving, my middle daughter (age 31) is the hostess for the family gathering. She is cooking a turkey, I will have some. She asked me to make pumpkin pies and a potato dish. The pies will have whipped cream. There is dairy and eggs in everything I've made for today. I don't know what else is going to be on the table, but I will eat it without questions. It isn't about me, it is about the relationship with the rest of the family. And their dad, my ex, will be there. He has had kidney stones a few times, had to have a surgery. He will grill the cook for the ingredients in a dish, and then loudly exclaim "oh, I can't eat that!" He can if he eats it in combination with something else, and no he hasn't seen a dietitian. There is a limit to how many times eyes can be rolled.

Perfect answer!

I love this answer! Yes! There were times when my religious beliefs made social gatherings awkward. I'm over that!

That is very interesting. Thank you for sharing that with us. We all have different paths in how we nurture ourselves.

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Posted by jjbelleAt the Demver airport. The Grilled Cheese option is the slightest of nods to the obligation to provide an option. The Caprese is a nod and a point.

Posted by jjbelleAt the Demver airport. The Grilled Cheese option is the slightest of nods to the obligation to provide an option. The Caprese is a nod and a point.

Posted by jjbelleAt the Demver airport. The Grilled Cheese option is the slightest of nods to the obligation to provide an option. The Caprese is a nod and a point.

Posted by devayogaMy vegetable garden

Posted by WildgreensBeing A Vegan

Posted by WildgreensBottled water 💦

Posted by WildgreensReal Medicine

Posted by JackPedigoA new company (seafood) in the plant based ‘meat’ options, which includes types of fish.

Posted by BDairWhy was there never a word about healthy diets and essential vitamins and nutrients? Liquor stores and 'big box' stores never closed. This was never about public health.

Posted by WildgreensMy new group is called covid cult. The information MSM doesn’t want you to know.

Posted by BDairBrilliant tip.

Posted by WildgreensFDA Safety Surveillance

Posted by WildgreensI knew this was going to happen.

Posted by WildgreensIf the pandemic is ONLY happening to the unvaccinated, then what are you worried about?

Posted by WildgreensIf the pandemic is ONLY happening to the unvaccinated, then what are you worried about?

Posted by WildgreensIf the pandemic is ONLY happening to the unvaccinated, then what are you worried about?

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