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I am trying to be a vegetarian. My current roommate who is leaving soon does most of the cooking and has meat every day. My doctor discourages my attempts because she says I won't get enough vitamin think or protein. Any suggestions in that regard?

JohnHocker 5 Apr 2
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Try transitioning gradually, instead of 'cold turkey'. Start with "Meatless Monday' and then slowly add more vegetarian dishes to your cooking repertoire. Before long you will be entirely vegetarian. You can also start by eliminating 'red meat' immediately, and move on from there. This will let your gut microbiome evolve and adapt to your changing diet.

BDair Level 8 Apr 6, 2020

I will try that. I do know from experience that rapid changes in my diet don't sit well with my digestive tract.


I suggest a different doctor. I don't know about vitamin K but protein isn't a problem. It's in everything.

Cheeky Level 5 Apr 3, 2020

Thank you. I really do want to do this. Of course, I may have to do it as best I can until the crisis is more settled and then go the rest of the way afterwards.


Ask your doctor how many hours of nutrition she studied in Med School? In college?

Ask her to explain to an 800 pound gorilla that they aren't getting enough protein in their diet.

mcgeo52 Level 8 Apr 2, 2020

Hold off until this is over then start , right now you need the best nutrition to stay healthy . When starting a new diet mistakes can be made there is no rush

bobwjr Level 10 Apr 2, 2020



I've been a vegetarian most of the time since 1974. I was vegan for about 15 of those years. I've been tested for deficiencies and didn't have any.

That is helpful, thank you.


Pure BS. I have a naturopath neighbor who I often go to for tests. The same carp. I need animal protein. Studies have repeatedly shown plant based protein is better than animal and besides, most Americans think we need more than we do.
My late partner's son is a doctor (as is his wife). She and he had this discussion several times but he admitted doctors get very little training in nutrition. Go find an objective book on the subject.


Studying nutrition a bit never hurts, I had a really good text book at one stage, but sure there’s info online now. Just be aware of the sources, uni’s are good resources 🙂


You do not need meat for protein. Plants have all the protein your body needs. When I went vegetarian last year I was told about a great website called forks over knives. They have recipes and you can sign up for weekly recipes and dishes for a fee. I did that for a year and adjusted the recipes for my tastes as I was going vegetarian not vegan. They are a great place to learn about nutrition. Good luck and I hope you will see a big change in your health. I sure did. I’ve taken off 33 pounds now and feel better than I have in years. Also got off all my prescription drugs!


I have been a vegetarian for 30 years. It started with a friend teaching me dishes that were filled with protein. Brocolli and rice and beans are some favorite things high in protein. Do your research its a great lifestyle

I concur. My wife and I have been vegetarian for almost 20 years.

I admit that we take the American approach to vitamin tablets -- that old saying: 'Americans have the most expensive urine in the world'.
But we'd likely be just as paranoid about unforseen deficiencies if we ate meat. Ha, ha.

Otherwise, our health is better now than it ever was in the past. We do eat some rice and various types of beans as well as tofu and various other plant based foods.

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