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I was wondering if anyone has seen the movie "What the Health" on Netflix and if anyone has comments about some of the things he brought up in the documentary

seasalttravel 5 Apr 24
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Thanks, I'll check it out.

Kandelka Level 4 Apr 26, 2018

Such as?

Kandelka Level 4 Apr 25, 2018

were you asking me, Kandelka? Well, a lot of scientifically minded people pointed out some of the shortcomings in the What the Health research, which to my mind are simply places where the movie draws conclusions that some scientists won't do, because unfortunately dealing in great complexities, they can have trouble seeing the forest for the trees, and they don't draw connections where they have their own blind spots. This article highlights some of them, and it sounds like the egg industry paid Time to produce it. [] But note that in the bottom section, the writer wholly admits that What the Health was right that food industries are lobbying nutrition guidelines to include their foods, and lobbying includes funding research in order to find studies that will say what they want the public to believe. Such as that cholesterol is "not a nutrient of concern", because they've created several studies that "show" that dietary cholesterol doesn't give someone "abnormal" cholesterol. Well, when the baseline of our culture is high cholesterol, we don't want to be "normal". [] Dr. Greger reveals all, if you only click on one link from my response let it be this one: []

@verifiabliss great explanation


Yeah, I loved the movie and found it extremely motivational, despite the so-called "flaws" a lot of people keep talking about in it.


Forks Over Knives and What the Health helped me to make a permanent life change from foodie/oenophile/carnivore to whole grains plant based vegan. I am transformed. What really sold me was the immediate effect: more energy! The side effects of weight loss, no more knee pain and reduction in asthma symptoms came a few weeks into it.

that's great to hear


Yep. I became a big fan of Dr. Greger's site after that.

Lysistrata Level 7 Apr 24, 2018

Yes I love his book "how not to die"

@seasalttravel His website, , is outstanding also.

@Lysistrata yes I have seen it and have the daily dozen app

@seasalttravel I never make the dozen. Not once.

@Lysistrata me either , well something to keep trying for


Was what turned me vegan

JoelLovell Level 6 Apr 24, 2018

There is a good book too called "how not to die"

@seasalttravel yh I have it


"... things ..."? Typo?

KarlHannah Level 5 Apr 24, 2018

This site tends to drop the letters "THIN" when they appear in a row. It's a weird bug

yes Skoltandskye was right it should say "things" but it just let me change it

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