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One of the hardest things about becoming vegan for me was giving up fast food, not because I loved it, but because I loved the convenience. I'm very busy, and I work long hours sometimes, so it was hard to give up being able to grab something quickly. My area is not exactly in vegan options, except restaurants.

So, I resolved to correct that issue in the last couple of months. First, I make at least one dish on Sunday that will last a few days, something like rice or pasta and/or a bean dish. I already eat a salad for lunch every day, so that was out as an option for dinner unless I wanted to get sick of it.

Second, I started thinking of the section of the produce aisle at my grocery store that has the pre-chopped veggies as my fast food place. I grab whatever I'm in the mood to eat, throw it on a cookie sheet, add some spices and bake. Usually, it's ready in less than 10 minutes. So far, I'm enjoying the new approach. I feel zero guilt. I spend less , and I stay healthy. I used to feel so guilty buying the pre-chopped veggies, like I was too lazy. Now I think of it as a commitment to my health.

AuntieMame 6 May 13
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I'm in the same boat. I usually make a large portion and freeze smaller portions for later. Also, veggie burgers are great and can be cooked separately.

JackPedigo Level 9 May 13, 2018

That is a pretty reasonable approach. It can be pretty time consuming just finding a restaurant. You have to download menus, and sometimes check ingredients.


For me, convenience was a big thing because I'm hypoglycemic. Blood sugar would constantly drop without notice or predictability, so I wouldn't know I needed to prepare food until I wasn't really able. A lot of the foods I could quickly grab and eat in emergency weren't vegan. However, probably to do with my diet being healthier, my blood levels seem to be a lot more stable now. They used to drop several times a day, and be low most of the day. I only really prepared a meal maybe once a week or so, usually relying on my mom because I couldn't stay standing safely. Now I only drop significantly every few days, and it's much more gradual so I can deal with it, and I prepare and cook most days. Nothing fancy, variety's never been that important to me, but it means I'm not relying on cereal almost exclusively, or someone else to feed me because I literally couldn't get something from the cupboard.

Aerihk Level 5 May 13, 2018

I do the same, farmers market near my job... A go to for me is a chickpea salad, toss it in pita pocket, It’s two bucks to buy the whole package of pita bread and I just bring the rest home. I gave up fast food About five years ago… That was two years before I went vegetarian let alone Vegan. An accumulation of small changes gets big results... you go!

That's funny. Humus on toast is one of my go-to quick meals. It tides me over until I can get my veggies cooked. I had no idea how much I like chickpeas until I went vegan.

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