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I know there is proteins in veggies, love my veggies.

Sheannutt 9 May 26
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Thank you for sharing that. ?

Wildgreens Level 8 May 29, 2018

Here's a spreadsheet showing proteins per calorie: []

mtnhome Level 7 May 26, 2018

Nice graphic showing proteins per calorie here: []

mtnhome Level 7 May 26, 2018

Beans are a great source of protein. I like vegetarian baked beans. I love pinto beans, limas, butter. They are loaded. and no fat.

@Sheannutt me too.


I love this one!

AuntieMame Level 6 May 26, 2018

That is per 100 calories not per 100g, which would be the usual way of comparing. Protein in beef per 100g is at least 16.9 grams and for broccoli only 4.2g. So you need to eat lots of broccoli for the same amount of protein per gram of product. This is why nutritionists usually say to substitute with nuts, lentils or dairy which are more protein dense per 100g.

@Sheannutt yes, brocolli trumps meat in both it's lack of animal death required and vitamins and minerals I think. Found this great little site if anyone's interested: [] good to check if you're eating enough of the daily recommended.


People ask me all the time where I get my protein. I tell them to look at gorillas. They're vegetarians and they seem to be doing pretty well.


And you'll NEVER get FAT or HEART DISEASE from broccoli.

mtnhome Level 7 May 26, 2018

Good one! I love my broccoli! Always have. No beef products for me in over 10-years. Eat healthy!

mtnhome Level 7 May 26, 2018

NONE of the violence!!! 🙂

I am 22 years vegan, over 50, and I have zero health issues. There is NO reason for anyone not to Go Vegan.

I haven't eaten meat or poultry for over 20 years. I'd love to go totally vegan... I've given up most dairy but I have this love affair with cheese and the vegan cheeses are awful. Everyone I've tried is gross.

@TheoryNumber3 have you tried making your own? Also...there are probably a hundred different vegan cheeses on the market now....I've found really good ones such as Sheesh Cheese []

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Posted by jjbelleAt the Demver airport. The Grilled Cheese option is the slightest of nods to the obligation to provide an option. The Caprese is a nod and a point.

Posted by jjbelleAt the Demver airport. The Grilled Cheese option is the slightest of nods to the obligation to provide an option. The Caprese is a nod and a point.

Posted by jjbelleAt the Demver airport. The Grilled Cheese option is the slightest of nods to the obligation to provide an option. The Caprese is a nod and a point.

Posted by devayogaMy vegetable garden

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Posted by BDairWhy was there never a word about healthy diets and essential vitamins and nutrients? Liquor stores and 'big box' stores never closed. This was never about public health.

Posted by WildgreensMy new group is called covid cult. The information MSM doesn’t want you to know.

Posted by BDairBrilliant tip.

Posted by WildgreensFDA Safety Surveillance

Posted by WildgreensI knew this was going to happen.

Posted by WildgreensIf the pandemic is ONLY happening to the unvaccinated, then what are you worried about?

Posted by WildgreensIf the pandemic is ONLY happening to the unvaccinated, then what are you worried about?

Posted by WildgreensIf the pandemic is ONLY happening to the unvaccinated, then what are you worried about?

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