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Do you have pets that love veggies? I honestly cannot chop up veggies without my dogs crowding around my corner of the kitchen where I chop. I usually buy a lot of veggies at once and chop them into cooking/edible size and store them for use as needed. That way there’s no excuse for not having time to prepare meals. My dogs know when Mommy comes home with the motherload. They don’t get most of the veggies, only when I chop lettuce (romaine, green leaf, red leaf, etc.) would they get a couple of pieces each. Lettuce is their favourite treat in their entire world. My guinea pigs get most of the bits that I don’t use (I try not to waste anything) so they benefit too.

graceylou 8 June 1
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My late lab-shepherd loved string beans. Every year when I would pick the beans in my garden she would sit outside the fence and bark until I gave her a bean. She got about 1/10 of what I picked. Now when I get a carrot out of the fridge my shih tzus all gather around so I have to get 2 out now, one to cut up for them and one for me. I give my birds a bowl of veggies every day and what they don't eat the dogs get.

EricJones Level 8 June 2, 2018

That is how it is with my SO when he eats a banana. He would end up eating only a third of the banana. I think my dogs will eat pretty much anything but one of them is allergic to many foods including carrots. If one can’t get something, nobody else gets one either.


My Trixie loves garbanzo beans.

Wildgreens Level 8 June 2, 2018

Here's two of my girls finishing-off the Brussels Sprouts from the garden last fall. The like the leaves, the stem, and the sprouts. Last week they ate all the ready to plant Brussels Sprouts starters while I was mowing the lawn. Had to repurchase them all.

mtnhome Level 7 June 1, 2018

Oh no. LOL


Oh, yes! My dogs love all the veggies and fruits I eat! They get lots of broccoli, bananas, Brussel Sprouts, apples, green beans and about everything else. They also steal from the garden. Big time!

mtnhome Level 7 June 1, 2018

My dogs get bananas and strawberries when my SO eats those fruits (I’m allergic to those). They get blueberries as well.

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