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As a vegan is not easy living with a roommate that
eats flesh. Does it bother anyone else ? She's the perfect roommate except that.

Wildgreens 8 June 2
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I would have trouble living with someone who eats meat and poultry. It smells like sadness

Exactly ?


Years ago my sister came to visit. She asked if she could cook some chicken breast and we said okay. When we returned from work, the kitchen stunk. Burning flesh is just that and after not having smelled it for a couple of years it really became noticeable.

JackPedigo Level 9 June 2, 2018

Lol. Mine does too. But she's considerate. If were sharing she always has a meatless version. I won't date a meateater tho.

Hello welcome to the group. ?


My SO used to eat meat. I wouldn’t cook meat for him so he would have to cook it himself. I hated the smell of chicken cooking and beef stew the most. Had to go outside. He now eats very little meat, only deli cold cuts and sometimes canned meats.

I can’t even eat vegan foods that look like meat. As much as I prefer not to use fake meats, my SO likes them as a substitute for the meats he likes. So i use them sparingly in some meals. Oh, and I can’t go to regular restaurants because I can’t stand seeing. other people eat meat.

graceylou Level 8 June 2, 2018

You understand.

@Wildgreens I will be visiting my parents and staying with them for a few days. They are not vegetarian or vegan. I’m already having anxiety about it. Luckily Asian families aren’t big into heavy amounts of meats. I’m also happy to find out they have been using almond milk. Would make my life easier. We will be having a big celebration at a restaurant. I’m hoping people will order minimal meat dishes. The menu does offer some yummy looking veggie options.

We are here for you if you need us.
Have a wonderful time with your family. ??

@Wildgreens Thanks. I’m not big on family reunions as my family is rather dysfunctional and full of narcissistic folks. But I thought it would be rude not to go.


Yeah....I couldn't do that. Even my rattieboy is plant-based!

He's so cute.

@Wildgreens yes he is 🙂 I totally love that little dude!

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