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There seems to be some confusion as to what a vegan is --- and the term is starting to be used so loosely that people are getting confused.

This should help clarify the differences between the terms used when describing dietary choices.

Veganism – An ETHICAL STANCE (not a diet) chosen by someone who has been educated as to the consequences of their choices and “a way of living which seeks to exclude, as far as is possible and practicable, all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose”. Because this is an ETHICAL STANCE, there is implied activism to educate others as to the exploitation of animals and to try and stop the abuse. Therefore, there is NO SUCH THING as a “Chegan/Cheatgan” or “Vegan who cheats now and then”. After all, if you violate your own ethics, you are, in fact, a hypocrite. Please stop using this word as a “thing”. It is insulting to Vegans and is part of the reason why people don’t take Vegans seriously and insist that they “all must cheat”. Likewise, using the word “Beegan” to describe a “vegan who eats honey” is also hypocritical. No vegan will use honey and creating a word derivative of Vegan is, again, doing nothing but causing confusion and watering down the ETHICAL message of Veganism.

Plant-based Dieter – Plant-based Eating --- A way of eating that excludes all foods and products derived from animals. Plant-based dieters may still be seen wearing fur coats, leather shoes, wool hats, and silk shirts whilst attending horse races, rodeos, circuses or going to zoos BECAUSE THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ETHICS.

Vegetarian – The correct definition is “a person who does not eat meat, and sometimes other animal products, especially for moral, religious, or health reasons”. Because of the ambiguity, most people lump in people who consume dairy, eggs, honey…and make no other adjustments in their lives to avoid the exploitation and use of non-human animals. Therefore, they are similar to plant-based dieters in that there is no assumption that they forego wearing leather, silk, wool, etc. or stop participating in events and venues that exploit animals for entertainment.

Strict-Vegetarian – No animal products – including eggs, dairy, honey, etc.

Ovo-Vegetarian – Eggs are the ONLY animal product consumed

Lacto-Vegetarian – Dairy products are the ONLY animal products consumed

Pesce-Vegetarian or Pescetarian – Fish/Shellfish flesh is the only animal products consumed

Pollo-Vegetarian or Pollotarian– Flying birds/fowl flesh is the only animal products consumed

Melli-Vegetarian or Mellitarian – Honey is the only animal product consumed

Ovo-Lacto-Vegetarian – Eggs & Dairy are consumed

Pesce – Pollo – Ovo – Lacto – Melli == any combination can be used to create a specific definition

SkotlandSkye 8 June 2
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  1. a person who does not eat or use animal products.
    "I'm a strict vegan"
  2. using or containing no animal products:
    "a vegan diet"

This is the definition as set forth by the VEGAN SOCIETY: "A philosophy and way of living which seeks to exclude—as far as is possible and practicable—all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose; and by extension, promotes the development and use of animal-free alternatives for the benefit of humans, animals and the environment. In dietary terms it denotes the practice of dispensing with all products derived wholly or partly from animals."

"WAY OF LIVING" being the key words.



A living language is fluid. Frustrating to those who wish to stagnate its drift. Speak Latin if one wishes to engage in a language that is dead & unchanging.

Mooolah Level 8 June 2, 2018


There are definitions that are set in stone -- For example, the media calling Beyonce a Vegan when she was wearing a fur coat and leather boots did NO FAVORS to veganism and just confused people more. She was actually asked to leave a Vegan restaurant by the owner because of what she was wearing. Veganism is an ETHICAL STANCE. There is nothing ambiguous or "fluid" about that.

@SkotlandSkye Well I have issues with the media also. Vegans do not wear fur. The word will change over the years for good of not. I understand your frustration. I have it also as the language changes. It is inevidable or its dead. Sorry.

@Countrywoman So, then, I can change the meaning of Atheism on a whim? Ok...I will from now on use Atheism to denote pedophile priests and Satan worshippers. Do you think it will catch on? A great many people already believe atheists worship that is just the word being fluid, right? Or is it possible that there is a true definition which does not include worshipping Satan and raping children?

@SkotlandSkye Calm. Language rarely changes on a whim. Except Michael Jackson's term "bad" as an example. Such is Webster's dictionary has more than one definition for many words. I have had this discussion with others. That only the first definition matters. I do not hold to that arguement. The double negative is an example also. In languages Latin based the double negative means something different than in English. Tho now I am constantly confused as to what American English is trying to say as African American influence via their roots in African languages, accept the double negative to mean something different than the Queen's English. My head is spinning & Babylon babbles forth when language is influenced by other cultures. There is a Satanic group here professing to be pagan but personnally Satanism's meaning hasn't changed just yet for me. Peace.

@Countrywoman I wasn't "not calm". I was merely pointing out that allowing definitions to change because of the ignorance of the user does not mean that they are correct definitions.

@SkotlandSkye I am happy you were not, not calm. Those capitol letters concerned me. Well definitions change whether right or wrong when the ignorant user's use permeates a culture & is accepted by the masses. "Ain't" is another word that comes to mind. Arnold Swartzeneger used the term "no problamo" which is incorrect Spanish. It is now one of the accepted pronounciations used, tho totally incorrect. Makes me uncomfortable also. But it is what happens condemn it or not. "Chauvinist" is another one. People use it to mean "wanting women to remain subserviant to me". It has nothing to do with that as I am sure you know. I call folks out on it all the time. They hate me for it. True. Not correct definitions. But they become so as the language changes.


Very well written. I am glad you did this post. It gives you a look at yourself and you can see just where you are within all the variations. I walked out of a rodeo as a girl in my 20s and the same with a zoo. I really at the time did not know that I was taking a stand. I just knew I could not tolerate being in either place any longer. So those are areas I have no trouble being an activism about. I am the same about eating organic. I don't want those pesticides and antibiotics in my food. I love vegetables, fruits, and plants. I think it is healthier. I do my best to steer clear of meat. I have over the years gotten stricter, so maybe it takes awhile and it doesn't happen all at once. I do not wear fur or silk. Wool makes me itch, lol. I prefer cotton. So much of what is required, I have just had a natural dislike for. Thanks for your post. I am going to save it for the information.


Very well written. I am glad you did this post. It gives you a look at yourself and you can see just where you are within all the variations. I walked out of a rodeo as a girl in my 20s and the same with a zoo. I really at the time did not know that I was taking a stand. I just knew I could not tolerate being in either place any longer. So those are areas I have no trouble being an activism about. I am the same about eating organic. I don't want those pesticides and antibiotics in my food. I love vegetables, fruits, and plants. I think it is healthier. I do my best to steer clear of meat. I have over the years gotten stricter, so maybe it takes awhile and it doesn't happen all at once. I do not wear fur or silk. Wool makes me itch, lol. I prefer cotton. So much of what is required, I have just had a natural dislike for. Thanks for your post. I am going to save it for the information.

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