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The older I get the more intolerant I become of religious imbeciles.
Petter comments on May 2, 2020:
More intolerant - or less tolerant?
anglophone replies on May 2, 2020:
Viewed in one way, the two phrases are identical in meaning. Viewed another way, the former carries more emotional clout than the latter (imho).
How would you feel if someone gave you unsolicited advice about your appearance?
Marionville comments on Apr 29, 2020:
I’m afraid I would just laugh and tell him to f away off!
anglophone replies on May 2, 2020:
@VeronikaAnnJ He didn't. I was referring to your own bio. Sorry for the confusion. The poor fellow was trying to use the Scientific Method to demonstrate the existence of the God of the Bible before he was booted off this site.
How would you feel if someone gave you unsolicited advice about your appearance?
Marionville comments on Apr 29, 2020:
I’m afraid I would just laugh and tell him to f away off!
anglophone replies on May 2, 2020:
@VeronikaAnnJ Thanks. I added that to my bio in response to a mental midget who tried to pull that stunt with me. Of Carl Sagan: yes, he is sorely missed.
The apologist worst cop out.
anglophone comments on May 2, 2020:
"Please demonstrate that *you* understand the bible." I laugh when God Mobsters act superior and claim to know and understand things that atheists do not.
anglophone replies on May 2, 2020:
@DavidLaDeau Yes, that pretty much sums up their position.
WOW! So much irrational hate toward Trump fans by some on here! Some much worse than those who ...
Omnedon comments on Apr 28, 2020:
Actual hatred is emotional, and therefore *may* indeed be irrational. But intense dislike and disapproval based on facts and data is something else. You will probably find both. I don't hate Trump, or Trump supporters; but I do intensely dislike him, I have no respect for him, and I don't understand...
anglophone replies on May 2, 2020:
@Drew69 Faux News is famous around the world for broadcasting misinformation. I also have better things to do with my time than watching its absurd output (except when I want a laugh, of course).
The apologist worst cop out.
ZenStar comments on May 1, 2020:
Well of course I don't understand the bible... it's nonsensical! I just don't have a head for contradiction fiction I guess.
anglophone replies on May 2, 2020:
You mean that you are not able to simultaneously hold seven mutually contradictory opinions in your head before breakfast? ;)
This applies to religion, politics and other opinions. Facts are a different matter
WilliamFleming comments on May 1, 2020:
Sounds good, but as for facts, how do we know whose facts are the correct ones?
anglophone replies on May 2, 2020:
@glennlab I disagree. There is no such thing as proof in science, only the weight of evidence. Proof exists in mathematics, liquor and printing. I regard truths as personal, and they may be markedly different between different people. The word "belief" is ambiguous.
This applies to religion, politics and other opinions. Facts are a different matter
WilliamFleming comments on May 1, 2020:
Sounds good, but as for facts, how do we know whose facts are the correct ones?
anglophone replies on May 2, 2020:
Eugenie Scott: "Facts are a dime a dozen". She was referring to scientific observations: Ping @glennlab
The test of a false god; Why I am an atheist.
p-nullifidian comments on Apr 30, 2020:
The Christian faith in which I was raised doesn't even acknowledge the existence of other deities, which meant that there were no false gods. In fact, no false vs. real God argument was ever even considered. However, it was my own experience as a parent that doomed my faith in this 'one and only' ...
anglophone replies on May 1, 2020:
@p-nullifidian Thank you for giving me that background. Talk about mental gymnastics ...
The older I get the more intolerant I become of religious imbeciles.
1of5 comments on May 1, 2020:
Just the religious ones? How do you limit yourself to just them?
anglophone replies on May 1, 2020:
@1of5 Yes boss! Yes boss! Yes boss! ;) ;) ;)
How do you rationalize the paranormal?
anglophone comments on May 1, 2020:
I do not accept the existence of "the paranormal". Every one of us lives in the natural world, and to claim that there are things are outside the natural world is absurd: if such things exist then they are be definition part of the natural world. To proclaim the existence of the paranormal is a ...
anglophone replies on May 1, 2020:
@Storm1752 No. All accusations that I am capable of thinking are entirely bogus.
The older I get the more intolerant I become of religious imbeciles.
WilliamFleming comments on May 1, 2020:
Humans come in many forms. As I get older I’ve learned, not just to tolerate, but to celebrate the lives of my fellow humans. Each person irrationally thinks that his opinions are correct and that conflicting opinions are incorrect. Rise to a higher perspective and you might find common ...
anglophone replies on May 1, 2020:
@WilliamFleming Thanks for your sympathy and support. :)
For the grammarians: The atheist might say, “If there WERE a God there would be no unjustified ...
Krish55 comments on May 1, 2020:
I be confused reading this...
anglophone replies on May 1, 2020:
I would expect to hear that form of words near the Welsh Marches. (I lived close to them for several years.)
The older I get the more intolerant I become of religious imbeciles.
Varn comments on May 1, 2020:
Yes. Youthful, I maintained respect for my elders. Having reached that age & stage, I’ve no respect for those continuing to support myths, no matter how convenient, soothing, or widespread. If a person has experienced the layers of life, their responsibility to those who haven’t is to be ...
anglophone replies on May 1, 2020:
I like the way you put it.
The older I get the more intolerant I become of religious imbeciles.
1of5 comments on May 1, 2020:
Just the religious ones? How do you limit yourself to just them?
anglophone replies on May 1, 2020:
I find it easy to attack the manifest nonsense spouted by God Mobsters. I lack the capability to attack narcissists and psychopaths in general.
The older I get the more intolerant I become of religious imbeciles.
WilliamFleming comments on May 1, 2020:
Humans come in many forms. As I get older I’ve learned, not just to tolerate, but to celebrate the lives of my fellow humans. Each person irrationally thinks that his opinions are correct and that conflicting opinions are incorrect. Rise to a higher perspective and you might find common ...
anglophone replies on May 1, 2020:
I do not think that I can rise to that higher perspective. When I see the harm done in the name of religion, coupled with the harm that was done to me personally as child by a religious fundamentalist, I have cause to oppose those who seek impose the lies of religion onto other people.
Review - Tom Holland "Dominion: The Making of the Western Mind" - History for Atheists
anglophone comments on May 1, 2020:
"The Internet is your friend". More seriously though, it seems William Wilberforce, having earlier become an evangelical Christian, was a driving force for the abolition of slavery. See for more details.
anglophone replies on May 1, 2020:
@altschmerz As an immediate response, I would offer Buddhism and Confucianism, both of which were seen as enlightening systems of thought in the Far East both at the times at which they came into being and in later centuries. From memory, there is (or was until recently?) a lively debate in China about returning to Confucian values.
Review - Tom Holland "Dominion: The Making of the Western Mind" - History for Atheists
anglophone comments on May 1, 2020:
"The Internet is your friend". More seriously though, it seems William Wilberforce, having earlier become an evangelical Christian, was a driving force for the abolition of slavery. See for more details.
anglophone replies on May 1, 2020:
@altschmerz Thanks for that. If I get time today I will look into it. Your question interests me also.
WOW! So much irrational hate toward Trump fans by some on here! Some much worse than those who ...
anglophone comments on Apr 28, 2020:
How can hatred of the attitude of those who support the dangerous brainless wonder of the Oval Office be irrational? (Please excuse me while I ROFL.)
anglophone replies on May 1, 2020:
@Captain_Feelgood I decline your command.
Review - Tom Holland "Dominion: The Making of the Western Mind" - History for Atheists
anglophone comments on May 1, 2020:
"The Internet is your friend". More seriously though, it seems William Wilberforce, having earlier become an evangelical Christian, was a driving force for the abolition of slavery. See for more details.
anglophone replies on May 1, 2020:
@altschmerz Would you care to enlarge on exactly what it is that you are looking for?
Anyone ever just get mentally fatigued and emotionally drained?
anglophone comments on May 1, 2020:
I have never been where you now are, so please treat anything I say with all due circumspection. It sounds as if physical proximity (e.g. your own neighbourhood) to somebody who is important to you might count more for you than social media proximity to somebody else who would otherwise have the ...
anglophone replies on May 1, 2020:
@MusicManDre Thank you for sharing all that. I do not envy you your current situation. All I can do is to hope for the best for your future, as I presume that you also might hope. ((Hugs))
Anyone ever just get mentally fatigued and emotionally drained?
LiterateHiker comments on Apr 28, 2020:
You have my sympathy. It gets harder to make friends as we get older. As an atheist since age 13, I am friends with Christians, Jewish people, agnostics and atheists. We don't talk about religion. I feel lonely being isolated due to the pandemic. It's hard to not hug people. Luckily, I ...
anglophone replies on May 1, 2020:
Your "It gets harder to make friends as we get older." caught me by surprise. I have found the converse in my own life.
Anyone ever just get mentally fatigued and emotionally drained?
Freedompath comments on Apr 28, 2020:
It was hard at the beginning when I left religion all together. It took some time to adjust. But, once I got passed the ‘weening’ stage, life couldn’t be better and I have fewer friends! But, the few friends are dear friends. Maybe this is a good time to invest in a new hobby? And art form...
anglophone replies on May 1, 2020:
Translation: you exchanged lots of "shallow" (for want of a better word) friends for a few "proper" (again for want of a better word) friends. I am happy for you. :)
Anyone ever just get mentally fatigued and emotionally drained?
Deb57 comments on Apr 29, 2020:
It's this way in the rural area that I live in. The place is almost completely bereft of any cultural or artistic stimulae, unless you count quilting, and the big thing everybody does around here is whatever is going on at their church. You can't swing a dead cat around here without hitting a ...
anglophone replies on May 1, 2020:
LOL! Have you ever replied "I go to the Church of Satan."?
Review - Tom Holland "Dominion: The Making of the Western Mind" - History for Atheists
anglophone comments on May 1, 2020:
"The Internet is your friend". More seriously though, it seems William Wilberforce, having earlier become an evangelical Christian, was a driving force for the abolition of slavery. See for more details.
anglophone replies on May 1, 2020:
@Mofo1953 You have made me think, for which I thank you. :)
What do you wish others knew or understood about you that you think they do not?
Julie808 comments on Apr 26, 2020:
My women friends seem to understand that I enjoy witty respectful banter and interesting conversations sharing ideas not previously considered, with a focus on being happy, healthy and safe, regardless of what I look like during our time together. My men friends seem to only understand the ...
anglophone replies on May 1, 2020:
At the risk of me being rude, "you need to change your men friends". I am on emotionally intimate terms with three women (plus my own wife), and I rejoice in being in their company. Their physical side, with the exception of their health, does not concern me. Ping @girlwithsmiles
The test of a false god; Why I am an atheist.
p-nullifidian comments on Apr 30, 2020:
The Christian faith in which I was raised doesn't even acknowledge the existence of other deities, which meant that there were no false gods. In fact, no false vs. real God argument was ever even considered. However, it was my own experience as a parent that doomed my faith in this 'one and only' ...
anglophone replies on Apr 30, 2020:
I am reminded of Exodus 20:3 "Thou shalt have no other gods before me" (KJV).
“If God isn’t real, what's the point of living at all when one day you’re just going to ...
anglophone comments on Apr 30, 2020:
"Good God! And exactly to which God do you refer?" (Slaps the imbecile about the face with a wet fish.)
anglophone replies on Apr 30, 2020:
@Paul4747 Yes, that is exactly what I had in mind! :)
“If God isn’t real, what's the point of living at all when one day you’re just going to ...
GeorgeRocheleau comments on Apr 30, 2020:
If this life is just a waiting room for the afterlife, why don't you jump the queue and kill yourself?
anglophone replies on Apr 30, 2020:
@SeaGreenEyez Welcome to the hypocrisy machine that is organised Christianity.
Religious people have claimed that covid is due to the following but not limited to: -Gays ...
Varn comments on Apr 30, 2020:
Sounds just like trump, he’d like to think he’s a god.. It would be an interesting switch to ask your question to a religious person; my problem is, I avoid them like the plague ;-)
anglophone replies on Apr 30, 2020:
Funny that you should put it that way. I thought that the current occupant of the Oval Office thought of himself as King Donald the First of America.
“If God isn’t real, what's the point of living at all when one day you’re just going to ...
Mofo1953 comments on Apr 30, 2020:
Didn't read because way too long, but the opening sounds like religious bullshit to me as it reeks of stupidity coupled with egocentrism and a total lack of scientific knowledge.
anglophone replies on Apr 30, 2020:
I like the way that you have put it.
“If God isn’t real, what's the point of living at all when one day you’re just going to ...
Geoffrey51 comments on Apr 30, 2020:
One of the dumbest quotes I have ever heard. Who is it?
anglophone replies on Apr 30, 2020:
Rodolfo Chacin on Quora:
“If God isn’t real, what's the point of living at all when one day you’re just going to ...
GeorgeRocheleau comments on Apr 30, 2020:
If this life is just a waiting room for the afterlife, why don't you jump the queue and kill yourself?
anglophone replies on Apr 30, 2020:
I was told at age 10 that if you did that God would not approve and He would immediately cast you into Hell. And yes, my instructor was a Liar for Christ!
I have heard it claimed that some men feel uncomfortable if they are in a group of people that ...
Paracosm comments on Apr 29, 2020:
That's about the opposite of the way I normally hear it: that men in a group of women are usually thrilled and women in a group of men are often afraid.
anglophone replies on Apr 29, 2020:
Thank you for sharing that.
Ignoring COVID Order, Massachusetts Church Takes “A Stand for the Lord” | Terry Firma | Friendly...
DenoPenno comments on Apr 28, 2020:
Yes, not unique to Christianity. I would naturally assume that "taking a stand for the lord" is simply because the lord is not able to stand for himself.
anglophone replies on Apr 29, 2020:
The Lord not being to stand for himself ... might this come from the Lord drinking too much "falling down water"?
I get so fed up with the bullshit.
anglophone comments on Apr 28, 2020:
Their observations (accusations?) that I refuse to buy into their absurd make believe is just like water off a duck's back to me. I have a habit of trouncing all the fallacious arguments that they present.
anglophone replies on Apr 29, 2020:
@Triphid Yes, it certainly lifts my mood. :)
How would you feel if someone gave you unsolicited advice about your appearance?
Marionville comments on Apr 29, 2020:
I’m afraid I would just laugh and tell him to f away off!
anglophone replies on Apr 29, 2020:
I have heard it claimed that some men feel uncomfortable if they are in a group of people that ...
Allamanda comments on Apr 29, 2020:
Conversely there are definitely a few women (I know one very well) who actively though not perhaps consciously, seek to be the only woman in groups of men.
anglophone replies on Apr 29, 2020:
Thank you for sharing that insight.
I have heard it claimed that some men feel uncomfortable if they are in a group of people that ...
SenorRotten comments on Apr 29, 2020:
(Not any sort of brainiac) - I have no idea why anyone would say that. Perhaps those that claim that they feel uncomfortable are actually uncomfortable with themselves and just refuse to admit it?
anglophone replies on Apr 29, 2020:
That's an extremely good idea. Thanks for sharing it.
How would you feel if someone gave you unsolicited advice about your appearance?
Hathacat comments on Apr 29, 2020:
Look him up and down, kinda laugh and smile and say, "And I should value YOUR opinion WHY?" Then walk off doing the princess wave, lol. Works on both sexes, and many topics btw. Also, if you see him again start chuckling while envisioning a banner of TP coming from his pants. Do that part anyway!
anglophone replies on Apr 29, 2020:
Sorry, but I could not resist replying with this (so please forgive me): "You'd be a lot sexier if you thought with your brains not your balls.".
How would you feel if someone gave you unsolicited advice about your appearance?
JeffMesser comments on Apr 29, 2020:
YOU are just awareness. Boundless, blissful, infinite awareness. This body he seems to be railing on is a state of the art, high tech model that has undergone millions of years of evolution and processes he could never understand. So his bullshit, shallow, materialistic opinion means jack squat. ...
anglophone replies on Apr 29, 2020:
Your comment is strong, but it is exactly on target.
How would you feel if someone gave you unsolicited advice about your appearance?
demifeministgal comments on Apr 29, 2020:
I used to get unsolicited advice when I was skinny by everyone. All along the lines of eating more. So whenever I went out with friends, I would eat the most to SHOW them I do eat, even alot, but my metabolism at the time was fast. Now that health issues caused weight gain, I get stupid comments ...
anglophone replies on Apr 29, 2020:
@demifeministgal It may be just 2 cents to you, but it is $20 to me. Thank you for sharing. :)
How would you feel if someone gave you unsolicited advice about your appearance?
demifeministgal comments on Apr 29, 2020:
I used to get unsolicited advice when I was skinny by everyone. All along the lines of eating more. So whenever I went out with friends, I would eat the most to SHOW them I do eat, even alot, but my metabolism at the time was fast. Now that health issues caused weight gain, I get stupid comments ...
anglophone replies on Apr 29, 2020:
Why is fat shaming and skinny shaming still accepted when racism is not?
How would you feel if someone gave you unsolicited advice about your appearance?
girlwithsmiles comments on Apr 29, 2020:
Pissed off generally, and on bad days less secure in myself, but unfortunately it keeps on happening! ( I also have a friend who’s a bit bigger than the average who gets comments about it, (especially from men). She’s gorgeous and a great person, if they cannot see that they don’t ...
anglophone replies on Apr 29, 2020:
As @ToolGuy says, if anybody carries on like that towards you, it says a lot more about them than about you.
How would you feel if someone gave you unsolicited advice about your appearance?
LiterateHiker comments on Apr 29, 2020:
I would feel insulted. Since a child, I have been criticized for my body size, for being "too skinny." "I want a woman who is in great shape like you, but with bigger breasts and hips," one guy said. "Ouch," I replied. "That was mean. I want a man who is kind." Mean words sting. Why do we ...
anglophone replies on Apr 29, 2020:
Anybody who is more concerned another person's body shape rather than the content of their character (sorry, Martin Luther King) can only be described as being a very shallow person.
How would you feel if someone gave you unsolicited advice about your appearance?
Paracosm comments on Apr 29, 2020:
I'd probably have told him he'd be much hotter if he'd keep his fucking mouth shut. Obviously I'd be annoyed. I don't care for people's unsolicited opinions about my looks. My grandmother also constantly told me that I needed to lose weight, though I was never over-weight. It took me a long time to ...
anglophone replies on Apr 29, 2020:
I am glad you overcame those insecurities.
anglophone comments on Apr 28, 2020:
Do what works for you. You will be your own best guide when it comes to doing that. I bowl the following two questions at you, and I invite to ignore them or respond to them at a time and in a manner that pleases you: 1. How useful to you are the models of the natural world that are given to ...
anglophone replies on Apr 29, 2020:
@HydroDillema I am of a similar mind, though I am unsure about the need for god being hardwired. Or maybe the wiring failed in all those who are confirmed atheists. From what little I understand, being brought up in a strongly religious house affects the way the brain develops from birth to adulthood. One of my dearest friends is a believer, though she is slowly losing her belief: she compares what she now sees in the world with what she was taught as a child, and the mismatch is making her feel increasingly uncomfortable with what she was taught. I have no issue with people in general having religious beliefs. Where I do have an issue is where they try to force their own beliefs onto other people for whatever reason; for me, that just smacks of arrogance. I agree with your observations about deficits. My habit of "spot the logical fallacies in their arguments for god" perhaps points to a lack of empathy on my part.
WOW! So much irrational hate toward Trump fans by some on here! Some much worse than those who ...
lerlo comments on Apr 28, 2020:
Sounds to me like you drank some bleach 😁
anglophone replies on Apr 28, 2020:
@lerlo I looked at the video recording when he spoke of disinfectant and bleach. For him to call that being sarcastic is an object lesson in his self-delusion.
WOW! So much irrational hate toward Trump fans by some on here! Some much worse than those who ...
Omnedon comments on Apr 28, 2020:
Actual hatred is emotional, and therefore *may* indeed be irrational. But intense dislike and disapproval based on facts and data is something else. You will probably find both. I don't hate Trump, or Trump supporters; but I do intensely dislike him, I have no respect for him, and I don't understand...
anglophone replies on Apr 28, 2020:
@Drew69 Yes, it sure beats CNN when it comes to spewing fake news. :)
WOW! So much irrational hate toward Trump fans by some on here! Some much worse than those who ...
Omnedon comments on Apr 28, 2020:
Actual hatred is emotional, and therefore *may* indeed be irrational. But intense dislike and disapproval based on facts and data is something else. You will probably find both. I don't hate Trump, or Trump supporters; but I do intensely dislike him, I have no respect for him, and I don't understand...
anglophone replies on Apr 28, 2020:
@Drew69 Fox news? No, faux news.
WOW! So much irrational hate toward Trump fans by some on here! Some much worse than those who ...
lerlo comments on Apr 28, 2020:
Sounds to me like you drank some bleach 😁
anglophone replies on Apr 28, 2020:
Or self-injected with disinfectant?
anglophone comments on Apr 28, 2020:
Do what works for you. You will be your own best guide when it comes to doing that. I bowl the following two questions at you, and I invite to ignore them or respond to them at a time and in a manner that pleases you: 1. How useful to you are the models of the natural world that are given to ...
anglophone replies on Apr 28, 2020:
@HydroDillema To answer your question, yes thank you it does clarify your position. You have raised a topic that I do not see very often here. To put it in a materialistic fashion, it is the recognition of the fact that people have their own psychological and emotional needs, which needs are themselves complex, and that different people have different needs. Have I properly understood what you are thinking in this regard?
Ignoring COVID Order, Massachusetts Church Takes “A Stand for the Lord” | Terry Firma | Friendly...
Geoffrey51 comments on Apr 28, 2020:
It seems from previous reports when ever a pastor prays he gets the plague and dies! Something not working here. Can’t imagine what that could be!
anglophone replies on Apr 28, 2020:
Do such people have functional brians? Do such people even have any brains?
Religion was destroyed! By whom?
Cecilia2018 comments on Apr 28, 2020:
What is the American dream?
anglophone replies on Apr 28, 2020:
@Joanne Agreed. Ping @Jon_Frum
Religion was destroyed! By whom?
Cecilia2018 comments on Apr 28, 2020:
What is the American dream?
anglophone replies on Apr 28, 2020:
@Jon_Frum Yes, my generalisations are crass: I have taken those aspects of those who would seek to impose their vile views on everybody else and put them into that list. I have no issue with calling out baleful stupidity for what it is. Ping @Joanne
Religion was destroyed! By whom?
Cecilia2018 comments on Apr 28, 2020:
What is the American dream?
anglophone replies on Apr 28, 2020:
The American wet dream: 1. World domination 2. The imposition of fundamentalist evangelical Christianity on everybody 3. The denial of women's rights to their own bodies 4. The elimination of blacks, hispanics and chinese 5. The permanent removal of atheists, Jews, Shinto, Satanists, Daoists and Muslims 6. Biblical law 7. The persecution to extinction of gays, lesbians and bisexuals 8. The creation of a highly virulent stupidity virus 9. The banning of all languages except English 10. The right of the criminally insane to carry firearms and shoot scores of innocent people 11. The right to extort money from the feeble minded in churches 12. The denial of responsbility for one's own actions
How old were you when you first realized you were skeptical of divinity?
Seeker3CO comments on Apr 27, 2020:
BTW... not skeptical. Unless I'm also "skeptical" of the green and purple winged zebras that live in my closet.
anglophone replies on Apr 28, 2020:
Funny that. I have a pink unicorn that dances in the back of my wardrobe. It gets a bit rowdy at night when I am trying to sleep.
Hi, I am new here and writing this post to say hello to the community.
Redheadedgammy comments on Apr 28, 2020:
Welcome to the site. As for a wager, I believe you would be wasting your time. The religious folks don’t work with a full deck and believe just because they have “faith” it makes them infallible.
anglophone replies on Apr 28, 2020:
Hints of Blaise Pascal, perhaps? ;)
Recently someone posted about getting an inordinant amount of religious feeds on their FaceBook.
SCal comments on Apr 27, 2020:
Nice. I've employed that here for some who want to argue endlessly.
anglophone replies on Apr 27, 2020:
Well done you. My own style is to point out the adbsurdity of the assumptions behind their claims. I find that usually shuts them up very rapidly.
Hi, I am new here and writing this post to say hello to the community.
HerbertNewsam comments on Apr 27, 2020:
I wouldn't bother with such a wager. I would rather ask them about why they exhibit such willful ignorance. I wouldn't give that a shot.
anglophone replies on Apr 27, 2020:
The only thing that anybody ever gets from such people is equivocation. It goes against their religion to give a straight answer, you see.
This is a very mixed (sad and happy) story about the effects of extreme religion, and one trans ...
Observer-Effect comments on Apr 27, 2020:
I cannot see "Weedwackers'" posts anymore because I reported and blocked him, you should do the same. Look at his profile, its talk of "brown people" and other posts he has made. I believe it is a troll/fake account, its purpose just to spread division. I recommend everybody report him, just takes a...
anglophone replies on Apr 27, 2020:
@Observer-Effect Thanks.
This is a very mixed (sad and happy) story about the effects of extreme religion, and one trans ...
Observer-Effect comments on Apr 27, 2020:
I cannot see "Weedwackers'" posts anymore because I reported and blocked him, you should do the same. Look at his profile, its talk of "brown people" and other posts he has made. I believe it is a troll/fake account, its purpose just to spread division. I recommend everybody report him, just takes a...
anglophone replies on Apr 27, 2020:
My replies to Weedwacker: "@Observer-Effect No such thing as "natural genders". There are countless cases where primary sexual characteristics are not fully developed at birth due to a number of factors. It is possible that @Weedwacker is unaware of this." "Which story writers? What is wrong with literature?"
This is a very mixed (sad and happy) story about the effects of extreme religion, and one trans ...
Observer-Effect comments on Apr 27, 2020:
I cannot see "Weedwackers'" posts anymore because I reported and blocked him, you should do the same. Look at his profile, its talk of "brown people" and other posts he has made. I believe it is a troll/fake account, its purpose just to spread division. I recommend everybody report him, just takes a...
anglophone replies on Apr 27, 2020:
I am not in the habit of blocking people. I tend to take their points and demolishing them if I feel so inclined.
Let's let the Satanic Temple and Project Blitz fight against each other! That should be fun! 😁 ...
linxminx comments on Apr 27, 2020:
Why call it the Satanic Temple when they do not worship satan?
anglophone replies on Apr 27, 2020:
@linxminx Yep. Welcome to the cognitive disaster area that is the God Mob.
Let's let the Satanic Temple and Project Blitz fight against each other! That should be fun! 😁 ...
linxminx comments on Apr 27, 2020:
Why call it the Satanic Temple when they do not worship satan?
anglophone replies on Apr 27, 2020:
By calling it the Satanic Temple while not worshipping Satan they underscore the absurdity of religion.
Let's let the Satanic Temple and Project Blitz fight against each other! That should be fun! 😁 ...
anglophone comments on Apr 27, 2020:
The God Mob will merely redouble its efforts to impose its stupidity on everybody else.
anglophone replies on Apr 27, 2020:
@Jetty Project Blitz and all their ilk will do everything in their power to nullify that separation: "This nation was founded on Christianity" and all such-like lies. They rely on America's education system's inability to educate.
This is a very mixed (sad and happy) story about the effects of extreme religion, and one trans ...
Sandster comments on Apr 27, 2020:
I would not normally comment on an article like this as I am lucky that nobody cares that I am a trans woman and I like to think that is the least interesting thing about me. HOWEVER: I would like to reassure people in this situation - you are not alone! I went through (I think) all of the ...
anglophone replies on Apr 27, 2020:
One of my ex-fellow students was a trans woman. I felt very relaxed in her company, and I was delighted that she felt happy to tell all the students about her previous history as a man.
This is a very mixed (sad and happy) story about the effects of extreme religion, and one trans ...
Novelty comments on Apr 27, 2020:
Good for her. From my perspective transhumanism will become a huge thing and will bring into question what it means to be human. To be trans sexual shouldn’t be a big thing to anyone other than the people actually transitioning and all of us who love them. Imaging we don’t manage to kill ...
anglophone replies on Apr 27, 2020:
Wow! Thank you very much for sharing such a wonderful vision, and the humour which you injected into your words.
I think the definition of religion should be expanded.
NoMagicCookie comments on Apr 27, 2020:
Your definition of "Spiritual needs" as "want to be recognized, appreciated, valued, and loved" has nothing to do with a yet to be demonstrated supernatural (not of the natural (real) world) God. Dictionary: "religion" "the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a ...
anglophone replies on Apr 27, 2020:
You put it very well indeed!
I think the definition of religion should be expanded.
SCal comments on Apr 27, 2020:
The newest, most popular religion is "spiritual, but not religious". What the hell is a spirit? No evidence for the existence of spirits has been collected in the known history of man. Mostly these people believe in hooey, sky daddy and/or Jesus christ, and just don't go to church. I get ...
anglophone replies on Apr 27, 2020:
When I see "spiritual, but not religious" I just want to laugh. (My spirits come in the form of rum, brandy, gin and whisky. If I was to drink those to excess, would I become very spiritual?)
I think the definition of religion should be expanded.
nicknotes comments on Apr 26, 2020:
Would you consider Tea Party Republicanism a religion?
anglophone replies on Apr 26, 2020:
LOL! I would call it a collective insanity. :)
I think the definition of religion should be expanded.
Mofo1953 comments on Apr 26, 2020:
I do not believe in bullshit, regardless of how you want to define it. Bullshit is and always will be exactly that: bullshit.
anglophone replies on Apr 26, 2020:
I think the definition of religion should be expanded.
SeaGreenEyez comments on Apr 26, 2020:
Like all opinions, yours is just that ... yours. **I think we all have certain basic spiritual needs.** I have no spiritual need, want or desire. **Life is insecure, uncertain, and impermanent. We all want to be recognized, appreciated, valued, and loved.** This is subjective. ...
anglophone replies on Apr 26, 2020:
I have commented with my own riposte.
Mat Staver: Church Lockdowns Are “Targeting” Christians Like Nazis Targeted Jews | Beth ...
LiterateHiker comments on Apr 25, 2020:
What a stupid asshole.
anglophone replies on Apr 25, 2020:
Mat Staver: Church Lockdowns Are “Targeting” Christians Like Nazis Targeted Jews | Beth ...
KKGator comments on Apr 25, 2020:
anglophone replies on Apr 25, 2020:
@PondartIncbendog Well, the Pope having a shit does look rather like a chicken!
I have ask this question to my friends and colleges who still profess to worship a God (inasmuch ...
Jolanta comments on Apr 25, 2020:
You keep on asking them. Make their little brains hurt.
anglophone replies on Apr 25, 2020:
Um, they have brains? ;)
Gnostic Atheist, Agnostic Atheist, Agnostic Theist, or Gnostic Theist?
anglophone comments on Apr 24, 2020:
I am a gnostic atheist about both the God of the Bible and the god of the Torah. I am an agnostic atheist about all other gods.
anglophone replies on Apr 25, 2020:
@Cyklone Sorry, I cannot answer your question directly without giving away my identity. Let's just say that the two companies that you and I both worked for were once owned by the same global holding company.
What sayings would one have to stop using if they wanted to fully De God their life?
Tinocca comments on Apr 24, 2020:
Jesus H Christ!
anglophone replies on Apr 25, 2020:
@DeCryingShame Is Nobody fucking Christ? (And who exactly is "Nobody", by the way?) Is Somebody fucking Christ? Is Anybody fucking Christ? Is God fucking Christ? Is Christ fucking Christ? Is Mary Mother of God fucking Christ the Son of God? Is Mary fucking God a.k.a Christ? Is God, being Son of God, and Father of God, fucking God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Ghost or God Himself? Good God, who the Hell gives a Fuck for all these God questions?
New Group!! Vintage Electronics from the Past.
PondartIncbendog comments on Apr 25, 2020:
How about "load, 8,1,*
anglophone replies on Apr 25, 2020:
My grey cell has drawn a blank on that one.
New Group!! Vintage Electronics from the Past.
anglophone comments on Apr 25, 2020:
Who can identify the following language: "IF" ... "THEN" "BEGIN" ... "END"
anglophone replies on Apr 25, 2020:
@PondartIncbendog ALGOL 60, my first programming language, and that was at age 18. I ended up teaching half that class - the teacher was a bit out of his depth, despite being young - his specialty was mathematics.
Gnostic Atheist, Agnostic Atheist, Agnostic Theist, or Gnostic Theist?
gearl comments on Apr 25, 2020:
Atheist Atheist
anglophone replies on Apr 25, 2020:
@PondartIncbendog Suggestion declined. (It least that isn't as bad as seeing "Transaction declined" on an EFTPOS machine.)
Gnostic Atheist, Agnostic Atheist, Agnostic Theist, or Gnostic Theist?
gearl comments on Apr 25, 2020:
Atheist Atheist
anglophone replies on Apr 25, 2020:
@PondartIncbendog What? Are you suggesting that I should vote? ;)
Gnostic Atheist, Agnostic Atheist, Agnostic Theist, or Gnostic Theist?
anglophone comments on Apr 24, 2020:
I am a gnostic atheist about both the God of the Bible and the god of the Torah. I am an agnostic atheist about all other gods.
anglophone replies on Apr 25, 2020:
@PondartIncbendog Thanks for the heads up.
Gnostic Atheist, Agnostic Atheist, Agnostic Theist, or Gnostic Theist?
anglophone comments on Apr 24, 2020:
I am a gnostic atheist about both the God of the Bible and the god of the Torah. I am an agnostic atheist about all other gods.
anglophone replies on Apr 25, 2020:
@PondartIncbendog An old ICL 4130. The first one I encountered was at university (1972-1974), and later at a zinc smelter where the same model ran the plant process control system until it was retired in the late 1980s. I got one of the memory banks for free and took it home.
Gnostic Atheist, Agnostic Atheist, Agnostic Theist, or Gnostic Theist?
anglophone comments on Apr 24, 2020:
I am a gnostic atheist about both the God of the Bible and the god of the Torah. I am an agnostic atheist about all other gods.
anglophone replies on Apr 25, 2020:
@PondartIncbendog Perhaps we should. I worked in one place that had what we called (multi-platter) "cake stands".
Gnostic Atheist, Agnostic Atheist, Agnostic Theist, or Gnostic Theist?
anglophone comments on Apr 24, 2020:
I am a gnostic atheist about both the God of the Bible and the god of the Torah. I am an agnostic atheist about all other gods.
anglophone replies on Apr 25, 2020:
@PondartIncbendog That brings back memories: a 4K (24 bit words) memory box that measured 10" on all three sides. (Today's kids have never had it so good - to paraphrase Harold Macmillan.)
Gnostic Atheist, Agnostic Atheist, Agnostic Theist, or Gnostic Theist?
anglophone comments on Apr 24, 2020:
I am a gnostic atheist about both the God of the Bible and the god of the Torah. I am an agnostic atheist about all other gods.
anglophone replies on Apr 25, 2020:
@PondartIncbendog But punched paper tape was much more fun! Did you ever play 1,000 card pickup?
Gnostic Atheist, Agnostic Atheist, Agnostic Theist, or Gnostic Theist?
anglophone comments on Apr 24, 2020:
I am a gnostic atheist about both the God of the Bible and the god of the Torah. I am an agnostic atheist about all other gods.
anglophone replies on Apr 25, 2020:
@PondartIncbendog Please, PLEASE, stop stealing my write rings!
Gnostic Atheist, Agnostic Atheist, Agnostic Theist, or Gnostic Theist?
gearl comments on Apr 25, 2020:
Atheist Atheist
anglophone replies on Apr 25, 2020:
@PondartIncbendog WOOF!
Gnostic Atheist, Agnostic Atheist, Agnostic Theist, or Gnostic Theist?
anglophone comments on Apr 24, 2020:
I am a gnostic atheist about both the God of the Bible and the god of the Torah. I am an agnostic atheist about all other gods.
anglophone replies on Apr 25, 2020:
@PondartIncbendog 6250 bpi nrzi, perhaps? ;)
Gnostic Atheist, Agnostic Atheist, Agnostic Theist, or Gnostic Theist?
Cyklone comments on Apr 24, 2020:
Are you mad or just stupid? No, I don't mean that about you. I'm just demonstrating one of the problems of a forced choice. It doesn't encompass all of the possibilities or subtleties of choice.
anglophone replies on Apr 24, 2020:
What sayings would one have to stop using if they wanted to fully De God their life?
rainmaker-47 comments on Apr 24, 2020:
Would "Oh my Thor"! be acceptable? Just saying "god" could mean any of the thousands of gods.
anglophone replies on Apr 24, 2020:
Exactly. But "Oh, Quetzalcoatl !" doesn't have quite the same ring to it.
What sayings would one have to stop using if they wanted to fully De God their life?
Tinocca comments on Apr 24, 2020:
Jesus H Christ!
anglophone replies on Apr 24, 2020:
Or even Jesus fucking Christ.
Donald Trump has suggested injecting people who have coronavirus with disinfectant: [bbc.
Macanudo comments on Apr 24, 2020:
The Story of America and how we got where we are today ...
anglophone replies on Apr 24, 2020:
Thanks. I will watch both of those later.
Donald Trump has suggested injecting people who have coronavirus with disinfectant: [bbc.
Petter comments on Apr 24, 2020:
In a word, by "bullshit". In his TV reality show days, where he didn't need to be accountable, he built up a huge fan base of adoring, semi-literate, god fearin', rural Americans. It's an indictment of an American education system that still teaches creationism as being a serious alternative to ...
anglophone replies on Apr 24, 2020:
Thanks for that background. It saddens me that some (many?) states still peddle the lies of the Bible in spite of the facts.
I have just started reading Bertrand Russell's essay "Why I am not a Christian".
Klodzan comments on Apr 18, 2020:
You may find this short video of Lotd Russell most stimulating
anglophone replies on Apr 24, 2020:
I am still ploughing my way through that video. His looking to mathematics for truth strikes me as interesting. The idea of virtue as being of supreme importance strikes me as being extremely repulsive. One thing that strikes me is that howsoever much I might agree or disagree with him, at least he thought about things that matter to many people. I can go with his emphasis on clarity of thought. The likes of Islamic State did not exist when this recording was made. I am taken by his acknowledgement of the wide health and wealth gap that existed even in his own time. His crystal ball about China's dominance of the world was wonderful. I value his value of doubt. One of the things that strikes me is his clarity of thought, even if I disagree with some of his prognistications.
Dating religious people
davknight comments on Apr 24, 2020:
I don't care for dates.So I coat my Christians with garlic and butter sauce!
anglophone replies on Apr 24, 2020:
Treatng them like oysters, are you? ;) P.S. I prefer figs rather than dates myself.
Dating religious people
anglophone comments on Apr 24, 2020:
I am picky. The reason that I am picky is that I do not wish to waste my time with delusionals as dates. I establish the other person's views on "the God question" before I would even contemplate going on a date with them. It does not matter to me how sexy they look, religion always gives me ...
anglophone replies on Apr 24, 2020:
@VeronikaAnnJ That figures. :)
What can one do with a person who is too ignorant even to realise that he is ignorant?
Sofabeast comments on Apr 24, 2020:
I had a grandfather who administered that treatment to cure France and Belgium of Germans in 1916. He said it wasn't much fun when they used back. So what's next for Trump, send in tanks to crush the virus?
anglophone replies on Apr 24, 2020:
It would not surprise me if he came out with such nonsense.
I cannot understand the mentality of people who think that coronavirus is somehow linked with 5G: ...
ZantiMisfit comments on Apr 23, 2020:
It's another sad addition to the conspiracy theory culture. Perhaps once you start believing in one of these infowars type stories you keep going down the loony-tune rabbit hole.
anglophone replies on Apr 23, 2020:
@Hastur Thank you! :)
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