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So, if baking a wedding cake is a form of participating in a marriage, isn't manufacturing a gun a form of participation in murder?

Green_Chile_Type 6 June 5

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To me yes we regulate everything cough friggin syrup and sudafed and driving and not guns so ridiculous of course we need regulations and restrictions driving schools and computer schools to learn about products hell can't buy a bed without a dvd to tell you about the product why not guns


Good comment. I also liked Ruth Ginsberg's comment too . She said that the cake was to celebrate marriage, not their sexual preference.

exactly you open a store to sell thneeds which everyone everyone everyone needs what they do with the thneed is not up to you and doesn't have anything to so with your faith


Oh, come now. Don't apply logic to deeply held beliefs. We know that does not work. Let's just all not go to that bakery, ever.

this may not have happened years ago and the trickle down of this is akin to disaster a gay doctor refuses to work on breeders or a gun shot victim if conscious says he will wait for a straight doctor I have seen things in my country I thought were over long ago and I understand fear of what the future holds ive never had money always said if someone steals from me they must be destitute because I have so little and I hope they use it well never could save just day to day ups and downs that's just life to me I had kids and work and never had time to worry about gays or another race I begrudge no man or woman getting ahead ...and on another note I have seen stories of 2 gay men that adopted 4 kids that are now thriving cause they were accepted kids with autism that now speak and handicaps that are better cause they are a family I could not have done so well and not only do those men help these 4 they help many with backpacks for kids in the system so they don't carry everything in plastic bags ... and that is just one limiting others might make some feel good in the moment but the ripple effect is horrible


There are a number of wins for the LGBT community in Kennedy's Masterpiece Cakeshop decision. This from the Atlantic, which seems to hit the most salient points:

"On Monday, a majority opinion by Justice Anthony Kennedy listed the reasons why this case turned out to be a lemon. First, is what the couple asked for—a cake for a private celebration—really “speech” or “free exercise of religion” at all? Second, the record was unclear whether Phillips refused only to bake a cake with a “wedding” message or refused to provide any cake at all for Craig and Mullins’s celebration. Third, the events occurred before the Court’s decision, in Obergefell v. Hodges, that same-sex couples have a right to marry. Thus, Phillips in part based his denial on the fact that, at the time, Colorado did not permit same-sex marriage—that “the potential customers ‘were doing something illegal.’” Fourth, as Justice Kennedy pointed out at oral argument, the record was muddled by anti-religious statements made by state officials who considered the case below."

cava Level 7 June 6, 2018

its a fucking cake if I were the gay guys id have just left never to return and spread the word to fam and friends and the baker is so wrong in so many ways who is he to decide how others should live his god would not have done so so he is a fake he certainly doesn't practice what he preaches


I would say this...

When was the last time you were turned away from a shop because you were straight?


like working at a fast food restaurant flipping burgers is participating in clogging people's arteries


I think you have something there.


You got it and add to that the sale of gas to be used in a vehicle homicide.


Sounds logical to me! I suppose the NRA would challenge you. After all, it's a CONSTITUTIONALLY GUARANTEED RIGHT! (To indirectly kill someone.)

Aha. There is a right to keep and bear arms but not to manufacture them. Something about targeting the manufacturers, rather than the end user as was done with phillip morris?

not to be unregulated or to have tanks and rocket launchers and war weapons rifles that's what they have a right to muskets not ar15s


And condoms for participating in Sex. An orgy perhaps ??

Well I don't know perhaps there will be people who want to put those condoms on their heads if not on something else.

Yeah, to many uses for them ??

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