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How I look at it. Not saying I am right or wrong. science should be a Tool of Mankind, not the Purpose of Mankind. Not the New Religion that Mankind should Embrace to "evolve". So in My Life... No scientist is going to be the new Prophet or Apostle or Messiah. No wing of science going to be My New Church to Worship. My Take. science just another tool to use, ignore or discard as I see fit... Because I am part of Mankind. And at the End... is going to be science the one to destroy us. Let that be nuclear holocaust or man made final solution supported and spread by science.

GipsyOfNewSpain 9 June 6

Enjoy being online again!

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It seems that the massive expounding of and reliance on scientific theories and research results with which we are becoming so familiar, hearing so frequently, is something of a backlash to the ignorance and denial by a certain segment of society (I'll leave that to the reader to identify that segment). At times, it does almost seem as though we are becoming saturated with 'scientism', especially in an effort to counter the hyperbolic nonsense of the climate change deniers, flat earthers, et al. But, ultimately you are correct in identifying it as a tool, I think. Perhaps some take it a bit too far.


Let us hope science will always produce the best results for mankind.

hope, faith... sounds same religion term to me.


Belief is the mind killer, science can open up new horizons. It is a 'tool' ? An interesting way to view it, neither right or wrong.


Mama Aje, Mobile! Ibae se Mama! Bendiciones! She will be fine! Will history repeat itself! OH mio! Everybody fearful of nuclear indeed by irresponsible children that we have surrendered our power as a people to, but this biosphere house other elements that will destroy us first before she is destroyed by her children! This universe is vast with older residents....people is foolish.


It will not ever be my " tool " !

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