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In Guatemala el Volcán de Fuego has already take the lives of 100 (known) people; the situation is devastating. Horrible....and these retarded, stupid believers are asking god to stop the eruption.

Ignorance at the highest level,



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I'll never understand that logic. If god has a plan, then this was part of it. If (s)he's omnipotent, they knew you'd pray for it to stop, but decided to do it anyhow. God is pretty much stating at that point, "no fuck this place in particular" for whatever mysterious reason. I can't get to a place where god has a plan, does stuff according to it, knows everything, and cares when I pray to change the plan.


50 years ago (anniversary just recently came up) I was a student at Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala. I lived in Antigua, and attended classes at the campus in CG. Antigua is at the base of Volcan de Agua, so called because the lake at the summit subsided in 1541 and wiped out the original city. Fuego is 9.3 miles away from Agua, and there are several other active or dormant volcanoes in the immediate area. I think anyone who has not spent time in a similar culture/landscape could not appreciate the cosmic/prayer/deity difficulty faced by a people stratified by Spanish cultural invasion of an established civilization (Ladinos at the top, Mextizos below, and Indios below them. Sound familiar?) and what it did to a deeply mythologically rooted Mayan/Aztec/culture (human sacrifice, feathered serpent myth, and popol vuh (their bible, most copies of which were burned by franciscans)). There existed a society that had more mythological collisions and intersections than a western european person can imagine. They aren't stupid when the volcano blows, they are way more conflicted about the gods than we monotheistically (I'm talking childhood, here) oriented folk are. This is me trying to condense what I want people to understand.

As a Latina, a Spanish speaker and a professor of said languages I know very well what you describe and the impact the Spanish colonization had on the great Latin american pre-Colombian civilizations.
I see them as stupid with reference to their beliefs....mythological or otherwise.




Thoughts and prayers..futile..
But they need help.


They are not stupid or retarded. Some of the most intelligent people down through history have been theists. As fellow sentient beings they deserve our respect and support.

To ask god to stop the Volcán de Fuego's eruption is retarded and .

Thank you for this. This is an extremely poor nation with a volacano that just pretty much buried two villages of people who have had very little opportunity for education or access to diverse opinions like we have here in the US. Calling them retarded and stupid is rediculous. It lacks empathy and basic reasoning. Reading this post and the responses has made me sad and angry.


Its pure insanity! I saw on FB to pray for them, i wanted to respond that it won't work! Its the earth and you can't do anything about it but run for your life!

But in their solidify ignorance they believe praying will help them.


They want the sacrafice of the sitting president of the USA and his oldest wife/daughter (ivanka) might take eric and jr too


I hope they don't want aid - I've already sent them thoughts and prayers.

Already several kids have arrived in Texas to receive treatment for the horrendous burns they have suffered.



Hahahahaha that ia fucking ignorance of them


They are offending grandma "Pele". Continue the punishment.

Are you aware that "grandma Pele Pele" is a Hawaiian goddess...and that Guatemala is in Central America?

@DUCHESSA Yes, you don't disrespect the volcano goddess with other deities.

@pye-rate And you need Geography 101.

@DUCHESSA Not geography, Deities of South America I am unfamiliar with them.

@pye-rate I can see you are since Guatemala is in Central America. LOL

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