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That can't be God, right

Slava3 7 June 9

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You keep trying to proselytize don't you. Nice try


This post which I shared gives me an opportunity to declare my position on God. I do not think humans have any perception at all that they are not connecting with God but rather the collective unconscious of beings from distant higher civilizations which had visited Earth. Their life force remains here with variable magnetic strength which differs from the Earth's beings, thus it is perceived as an all powerful, and what we like to call God. I truly believe that life on Earth is a mixture of various levels of intensities, gravities, and supreme collective conscience, and God is a misunderstood concept . Over and out !

So, why do you believe this? What evidence do you for aliens visiting earth, or "life forces" or collective consciousnesses? You claim there is a magnetic effect to this. Then this should be measurable. Why has no scientist ever discovered this?

Acid ,dmt, or just good weed ?


Similar concepts as Jung's collective unconscience, perhaps.

Fins Level 4 June 9, 2018

Sounds more like a multiverse level hard drive!

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