6 3

Ahh back. 4.3 km in 43.6 minutes. Not my best, and not the goal I wanted but I did have a nice 15 minute break where I wanted to die.

One dickheaded thing i did.

I pass a church on my Bataan Death March of a run, and it was just letting out. So. I got Crazy Bitch on the ipod and sang it LOUDLY as I passed.

But, this is what I usually listen to on my runs:

onlyduh 7 June 10

Enjoy being online again!

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How the heck do you run in this heat and not pass out from heat exhaustion? Inquiring minds want to know.


You're crazy! But cool!

LEPeff Level 8 June 10, 2018

Rock n’ Run

@onlyduh - and that’s for an easy 5 mile run

@onlyduh - there are no fake runners, especially when being chased. There is Fake News, fake people, and fake orgasms though

@onlyduh - good call! People can usually run faster scared than mad; so piss off a few people and get a good run in!

@onlyduh - mine too!


Let's see.... 4300 meters divided by one lap on a track (400mts) give us 10.75 laps. 43.6 minutes on 10.75 laps represents an average of 4.05 minutes per lap. Well, you have lots of room for improvement. It seems like you were walking at fast pace instead of running but I am sure you will improve you record in not time. Keep up the good work !!!!..... and jogging with ear buds and good music is such a nice feeling, isn't?

@onlyduh it doesn't matter where you are or when you started but where you want to go. To accomplish that you need two things, the goal you want to reach and your current numbers. You have to watch them closely to determine if you are making progress towards your goal. (And what do you mean by balls out???... that's dude's talk, isn't?)

@onlyduh my point exactly, you haven't.... See, you kind of lead me to believe that you will be my ethernal crush.... Ahhh but there is hope...the beauty of this virtual world is, you may be a dude and I may be a girl ..... Am I, are you? Ha ha ha we could do this all day. Regardless of gender, keep running and getting better numbers. Its just fun if you manage not to puke every time ?

@onlyduh and I stand correct... Girls don't say that !! Still love you though. ???

@onlyduh right back at you. I like creativity and that is completely genderless ???


I love running ? #runforlife #runforfun
I listen to metal and rock while running! Gets the heart moving.


Congratulations on living. It's probably better that way.

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