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I’m bored tonight. I guess I have some light cleaning to do (dusting and such) but I don’t really feel like it. I’ll do that tomorrow but tonight I’m bored.

filcek78 5 June 10

Enjoy being online again!

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my life is boring....


How can you be bored with the knowledge of the world available to your (electronic) fingertips? So much to learn & try, so little time.


Light cleaning and dusting sounds like fun. How could you possibly be bored?



I can relate to bored. I find myself saying that a lot. Sorry you are bored too. Maybe you will find some interesting things in some of these threads


Would you say you are the chairman of the bored?

Haha! I hadn't seen that before


A lot of the dust you see is from comets and such. So don't think of it as dusting: think of it as collecting Star Stuff. have Carl Sagan's voice running in your head while you're doing it. Keep the dust. Eventually you will have enough to build your own universe. Or maybe a scale model. 😉

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