“The currency of the earth is not money, it’s enegry” How many more examples and suicides do people need to finally recognize that fame and fortune is not where happiness comes from? It comes from the inside of yourself, not from objects or other people. Is your goal happiness or a check list of life’s events predetermined by your environment? When you keep looking for anything outside of yourself to make you happy, you give up all the control of your life and become a person who reacts to life instead of creating it. It starts with a way you see yourself and beliefs you hold as truth.
Think, love and live.
Superficially at least that seems to have been Bourdain's problem, but then neither was he the stereotype of a money and status whore. He was, by all accounts, a humble, kind, approachable person with a genuine curiosity about the world and others. The "tell" for me is that his mother was interviewed and expressed confusion about why he killed himself because he "had everything" including "money beyond his wildest dreams". So I'm guessing that for him it was probably a double whammy: raised thinking success, accolades and $$ were all one needed to be happy, but smart enough to know better, but suffering from impostor syndrome as well (based on his fairly plentiful statements of the "I'm not worthy of all this attention" variety, as well as the fact he was a workaholic and so clearly never felt much sense of actual achievement such that he could rest from it now and then). Coupled with perfectionism.
I agree that one does not want to be merely a reactor to life, however, you have to take life as it is and flex with it. In that sense, being "a person who reacts to life" is kind of a necessity. I would say, you need to be one who flexes with reality, rather than demanding that reality conform to your expectations.
I tend to regard "creating your life" or "creating your reality", stated without qualification or elaboration, as some derivative of hermeticism, "as above, so below" woo, the foundation of many bad things in the world including dominionism / prosperity gospel within Christianity. In practice, in my experience, the connection between effort and intention on the one hand, and outcomes on the other, is flaky at best, so I'm loathe to shame others into taking blame for all their problems being self-inflicted -- which is the "logical" endpoint of such a notion. What we DO control is our emotional and attitudinal handling of things that happen to us.
Energy in it's proper form though, for the good of the Earth.