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Good morning, it appears we got about 5 inches of rain overnight. I won’t need to water this week. I’m getting ready to go to the Y this morning. On FB I always see friends complaining about Monday mornings, heading back to work etc. Being retired I find I’m excited to be getting out and having someplace to go other than a doctors appointment. I must say it’s a little unnerving to write into the void, as in shout into the wind. Instead of knowing there are a few hundred friends out there who care or at least listen. Oh well, I hope you have a good day, my godless friends, I look forward to seeing if I’ll find a few new friends here.

Lifeistooshort 2 June 11

Enjoy being online again!

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Hello. I only have 5 inches. The rest of your post does not matter in that context.

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