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Going to start this post by making a statement that I was in no way offended by this at all. Didn't want any misconceptions. Noted last night while watching the Tony Awards, a very interesting commercial. It was for getting married in Las Vegas, and it actually had a lesbian couple in it. At the end of the commercial they even showed them kissing. Makes me think that maybe as a society, we're actually making progress. Who knew?

SonOfABeach 7 June 11

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Ahhhhhh...yeah..Lesbians have been kissing in public for quite some time now...and Gays as well..and AfroAmericans..and Puerto Ricans too!


I think lesbians offend the bigots slightly less than two hunks playing tonsil hockey would. Especially if such bigots are straight men who fetishise lesbians.


Yippee!!!! I don't really watch TV but I was somewhere and saw what I was pretty sure was a gay dad couple on a commercial. Was happy, too! Go us! Fuck the administration and their backward ways. Also, you make me happy and not want to say "old white men" with as much venom as I tend to, now that my dad has died and I don't have to worry about accidentally including him. haha.

Shit, I just called you old. You are actually not very old. But as you mentioned, an entire decade older than me, so...


I read about a gubernatorial race where one of the male candidates kisses his male partner/husband. It's getting dangerous out there. (sarcasm)

I want to like this about 100 times.


Have you never seen 2 people kissing ?

I always kissed my dad ? Didn't think it was pornographic ?

Yeah ! Television us going to pot. How dare the show those scenes ! LOL


Well, you did not think that the money making opportunity for the wedding insustry would go by unused, did you?

Just another way capitalism drives forth social justice. I do not know how much sarcasm, if any, to inject into that statement. Something to ponder...

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