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Just when you think the current "administration" couldn't sink any lower, another sinkhole of depravity opens.
That redneck Keebler elf now says that asylum will not considered for those citing domestic or gang violence as their reasons for seeking asylum.
Nothing like refusing to be humane.
I hate everything about this fucking bunch of assholes.
Please remember to vote.

KKGator 9 June 11

Enjoy being online again!

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At least it is consistent. Domestic violence victims in the USA receive little to no support. Why would we take another country's victims?

Well, that's just a hell of an "argument". Your empathy is overwhelming.
Please don't ever respond to any of my comments again.
Good grief!

Your being sarcastic aren't yoy?

I agree to a point, with you. I've had to unfriend, block sites because of this crazy shit. I live in rural Oregon. My wife and I are retired. I lost 80% of my retirement in 08. We live on SS and a pittance from the VA for disability from my time in the USN. 66 TO 70. I realized that I am pissed off all the time because of the Orange TURD. Don't need the BS. You can't reason with these fuckwads. See there I go

@KKGator I won’t because it’s obvious you are mentally challenged. I clearly stated a fact that the US doesn’t help its own victims of DV so would not help other countries’ victims. Has nothing to do with my empathy or lack of it. You read a lot more into it than what was written.

@Killtheskyfairy Refusing to acknowledge your attempted sarcasm doesn't mean I'm "mentally challenged". But hey, think whatever the fuck you please.

I usually do think whatever I please and it’s obvious you are also emotionally challenged.


I just get tired of immigrants being treated better than citizens. We spend too much money on illegal immigrants while the average social security check id $ 1400 per month. Also, veterans are living on the street and can't get proper medical care. Many seniors have to choose between eating or buying their medicine. I am not saying close the borders, but if people are here illegally than we shouldn't spend a dime on them until citizens are taken care of first. Just saying.

Grecio Level 7 June 16, 2018

Don't take it out on the immigrants, take it out on the politicians and corporations who treat citizens like garbage.
Oh, and the immigrants aren't the real problem. It's the employers who hire them just to save money and avoid paying taxes. It's also the corporations that are making money from the corrupt governments and gangs that are victimizing the people who are running to our borders to escape.
Btw, the immigrants are NOT "being treated better" than citizens. They're being held, against their will, in conditions that are even worse than most prisons. Their children are being taken from them with LIES, and they are NOT receiving their due process.
Before you try to justify the treatment immigrants are receiving, best to educate yourself on what is REALLY happening.
Citizens who don't like their "treatment" have more rights and opportunities than immigrants. Take it up with your elected representatives. Don't blame the immigrants.
Oh, and unless your ancestors were 100% Native American, they were immigrants, too. Don't be a hypocrite.


I have concluded that this adm. aren't made up of people rather they are just money hog's lacking any human emotions

Marine Level 8 June 12, 2018

@Marine I think they're people. I think they represent all that's wrong with Humanity. they're greedy, they're money-hungry and power-hungry and willing to step on anyone else to express their selfishness to their peers. they're proud of the hate that they carry for anyone different. but what really impresses me more it's how that others can support them, blindy selfishly denying all the ugliness that is apparent to anyone with a heart or a mind that cares about other people. that's what I see as really the sickness of this nation.

@hankster Not only what you say but these same people who support him are the ones who are getting killed by his programs.No health insurance for everyone,killing the environment,removing protection from banks, removing support for children and the immigration policy does not exist.

@Marine propaganda can be a powerful thing.

@Marine I do feel like I need to be clear about something. I don't see conservatism and trumpism as the same thing.


Not to mention what they're doing to the children of the people whose immigration status is in question. That's a wholesale abomination in and of itself.

It is indeed. Appalling. Just so fucking appalling.


and remember to remind someone else.

Multiple someone elses!!!!

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