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If another phenomenon is causing light to redshift with distance/time travelled, the universe may not be in an accelerating expansion mode.

OleBlueEyes 5 June 11

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When i first read this guys post i thought he must be mad, the rantings of an old age person, totally lost in the field of quantum mechanics, but then,,,,, hold on,,,, i realised (UK Spelling) that is the definition of a mad scientist. so i can safely say that i am old, and therefore qualify to say that he is right insomuch that nothing "with mass" can travel faster than light. ....However "time" has no mass, and can therefore travel faster than light, without contravening the laws of physics.


This is the "tired light" hypothesis. I don't know if it's been fully discredited, but it's not high on most people's list of likely explanations.

Coffeo Level 8 June 11, 2018

Is it not the shift of the dark bands that is being measured, cause it would be hard to measure the shift of a continuous spectrum of light. Maybe it is relativistic ether because "nothing" travels faster than the speed of light.?

Why not the speed of time changing with time instead of space's accelerating expansion?

Well, if you had to fly though all that dark matter (invisible) out there you would be tired, too!?


Stuff like this keeps me awake at night wondering what effect this will have on my life.

It's interesting that lots of people (including myself) are really interested in the fate of the universe, even though there is not the remotest possibility of any humans, or even the Earth, being around by then. We still want to know!


@OleBlueEyes That's what I expected

@Coffeo It just seems to me that there are so many real situations in this world to think about that this other stuff seems of no consequence.

@nicknotes freedom of thought and it's exchange is a good thang. Solved those other less fun problems, but nobody is listening to me and some other deep thinkers anyway.??

Let me know when I should really be worrying about the red shift.@OleBlueEyes

Nothing for you to worry about at all, pal. Go back to sleep. It interests us, is all. And furthermore, there are heaps of things in science that seemed to have no practical consequences at the time...


Of course the Doppler shift is not the only evidence of the expanding universe.

A period change of a constant phenomenon that that communicates itself to us through observed light?

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