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When is anyone going to acknowledge Trump's plan?

He is alienating our allies, making them hate us, so that he has an excuse to ally with North Korea and Russia. He is buddying up to the two worst dictators in the world today while angering ALL the rest of the world.

America is becoming an Axis power. This is ACTUAL treason, and setting him up to take over as a dictator himself.

And no one is stopping him.

Sure there are strongly worded letters and disgruntled people, but no one is actually doing anything.

We are fucked.

LadyAlyxandrea 8 June 11

Enjoy being online again!

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I agree Trump is Putins' best kgb agent.


Yeah, I don't get it either. My only hope is that mid-term elections are in less than five months.


We know what Tramp got from the Singapore photo-op; an elevation of status coming away from a contentious trade summit. Dreams of a Nobel so he can shove it in Obama's face. The real question is why Kim Jong-un suddenly got the desire to meet? I keep coming back to those two non-secret visits Jong-un made to Beijing. China's probably concerned that Putin would like a closer relationship with NK. One like they used to have. If so, then it makes sense to me that China provided Jong-un with something that could make Tramp more docile to NK desires (elevating Kim Jong-un's status). Something Tramp needed to see with his own eyes so he knows it's not a bluff.
One thing that did come out of this meeting is that Tramp gave up joint military exercises with SK and got nothing, NOTHING, in return. He would never have tolerated that from Obama. Remember that movie White House Down? Maybe it wasn't so stupid.


The GOP has become the party of cowards who are willing to forgive heinous actions and words in order to force their twisted form of chistianity on the rest of the world, in the name of 'god'. Just like the 'christians' during Crusades and in 19th century American Manifest Destiny.

Wrytyr Level 7 June 12, 2018

Many of us are noticing this! Something concrete you can do: donate to the ACLU, or similar, so We can use the courts to maintain our freedoms. Oh, and VOTE!


We can only vote out the complicit traitors.
No one, to my knowledge, has ever been charged with treason outside of a war.

Agamic Level 6 June 12, 2018

Looking at it from the outside, I have to agree with you.
The problem is not Trump, he is only the symptom, the problem is the system that allowed him to get there, such system includes lack of a suitable alternative, lack of education, lack of concern.
Thankfully the rest of the world sees it as one person and not all of America. Hopefully the rest of the world thinks as kindly of us down here in Oz. We really are kind caring people who do not want to kill the world with coal. Sadly our politicians are evil and have are allied to those who only want the profit.

I didn't even know there was political unrest down there. America basically tries to pretend you don't exist unless Hugh Jackman or Chris Hemsworth is around

@LadyAlyxandrea Well there are only about 23 million of us and scattered over a very big area. Our politicians are an embarrassment, climate change denial, pro fossil fuels and such. Homophobic to a large extent and super religious mostly. The population on the other hand is at the other end of the scale on all these things. And we have compulsory voting. Sadly, our people are easily distracted, sporting matches, royal weddings, shiny things in general. We really live in the age of distraction, and in Oz, like the movie with the Wiz is as bad as any.

@Rugglesby terribly sorry. It seems nowhere is safe from the conservative hate anymore


You are entirely correct


I'd like to do something but outside of voting and campaigning what else could I do?

Run for office

@EdEarl Nice thought but my skeletons in the closet would come out.

@buzz13 ha, same. I was asked a few weeks back but declined. Too many people have axes to grind with me. I could easily be decimated by both extremes simultaneously.

Donate to the ACLU or similar organizations...only keeping our freedoms free will help in the long run!


Trump doesn't have a plan, everyone hates America anyway !

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