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Good morning. This california sky is a soft cerulean blue. John kegend is is singing and my hear feels almost ready to break. I just bought a homeless man something to eat and a fresh orange juice. It felt like the right thing to do. Siting back inside my favorite Noahs i saw him place the food and juice on a bench. He already had a cup of coffee and a cigarette.As he sat down his back pack knocked the juice over. He just sat there smoking his cigarette and drinking his coffee lost in his thoughts.At first i felt like he had offended me. My gift had been treated as if it meant nothing. Spilt milk in a life of unending dissapointment. And then i thought maybe he was just enjoying the same soft cerulean sky. Maybe his thoughts were on a John Legend song he once heard. I had a conversation with Danny he was moved by my kindness and I told him kindness is not necessarily the answer. He looked at me confused. The young will do that at times. And I told him Danny the answer is in you and Joyce and all the others who get up every day and get on with the business of survival. It is that drive that will carry us to a new shore. I Do not have the heart to tell him that in a few weeks maybe a month I will begin a similar journey and there is no way to know how long it will take before I am sitting on a bench spilling the gifts of strangers onto the dirty streets of Oakland as I look at a soft Cerulean blue sky remembering a John Legend song i once heard.

Ciravolostone 6 June 12

Enjoy being online again!

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