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I hate having to choose between Republican and Democrat to be able to vote in the primaries. It just feels wrong. I would not vote a straight party ticket, but I want to feel represented.

Ignostic 4 June 12

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I think we are moving toward more parties....perhaps ultimately the extremes on the l a r and a 3rd party of centrists occupied by both Dems and Reps.


I think a political party has the right, no the duty, to have it's representative selected by it's members.


It is like choosing between Peter Pan creamy smooth peanut butter and Peter Pan crunchy peanut butter. They look a little different but taste pretty much the same and promote the profiting of the same corporation.☺


I agree to a certain extent. I don't care about a straight party ticket, but I do feel like the 2 party system doesn't represent me.


I agree with you, as a registered Independent myself.

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